하나 →1

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Na Jaeyoung the girl who ruined my life. She was the one who caused all these unfortunate and fortunate events to align. I'm not thankful to her nor will I ever be. She caused me and my family to get hurt. My dad got fed up with everything that he left us.

My mom was out working most of the time so I was left to take care of my younger brother. After my mom has worked for many years we finally had enough money to start over. We moved away from Mandeok-dong, Busan to Seoul.


"Yah!" I said as I kicked my brother's door open. He looked up to me from his sketchbook. "Come help me clean," I said as I glared to the brown haired male. His nose scrunched up as he sat there as his pencil rolled off to the side. "Tell me why I should help you? What do I get in return?"

I scoff to him as I leaned back onto my left foot with my arms crossed, "You don't get hurt by me in return." Jungkook sighs out at me and rolls off his bed and walks past me.

We both walk silently to the kitchen and I turn to Kook. "Let's make this it more interesting. Whoever cleans our section of the kitchen the fastest wins and the loser has to pay for snacks." Jungkook's eyes widen and he turns to me with a smirk. "Deal."

We both shake hands and begin to clean our sections. we both have an even amount of work to do. I start with the island then make my way to the cupboards and lastly the floor. I finish three seconds before Kook.

 I finish three seconds before Kook

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