이십 삼→23

746 39 4

I'm laying in bed feeling completely out of it. I just feel gross and have no energy. Jungkook peeps his head in my room to see how I am. "Noona, I don't think this is caused by shark week."

I sigh and turn the other way. "Okay I'm sorry for being stupid but I'm really concerned and so is everyone else. Mom is sober now and I told her about how you've been. She said she'll take you to the hospital later."

I look over my shoulder to him to see sincerity in his eyes. "Thanks Kook. You need to get to school before you're late." I sit up and push him out the front door.

"Jungyoon," I turn to the living room to see mom standing there. "Go put some clothes on. I'm taking you to see the doctor." I nod my head and go into my room. I throw on some leggings and a hoodie.


We were driving on our way to the hospital when mom decided to speak. "I'm sorry for last night and the time before that. I just get so fed up with you two. I don't want you to end up like other kids." I give a smile.

"We know. You're just trying to what's best for us. Everyone needs breaks though. How about no more drinking after work unless there's a special occasion?" Mom agrees with me.


"Jeon Jungyoon?" A nurse calls from the waiting room. We've been waiting for a few minutes after getting my blood taken to run tests. We enter the doctors office and sit down.

"We've got the results and from what's been happening, have you gotten your period yet?" I shake my head no. I was supposed to get it last week. "It's a week late." The doctor nods their head before giving a serious look.

"If you look at these papers here you can see the results. Your daughter is pregnant." I give a shocked look and my mom eyes me with disbelief. "Thank you doctor."

My mom grabs my wrist and pulls me out to the parking lot. "Are you fucking serious Jungyoon? Why did this have to happen to me? You just ruined your life from being so irresponsible. Who did this to you? What's his name?"

"Mom stop! Stop being so angry and upset. Don't you think I know the responsibility? This guy isn't someone who will abandon me." Mom sighs and gets into the car.

Psst hey!!I brought Paper Cranes back please go check it out if you believe in Namjin :)

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Psst hey!!
I brought Paper Cranes back please go check it out if you believe in Namjin :)

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