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"This isn't fair!" Kook whined as he laid on the floor complaining to me. "Life isn't always going to be fair. Now shut up before I do it for you." I say as I raise my left hand up slightly.

Jungkook jumps up and smiles. "Should we go on a walk?" He asked with a tight smile. "Sounds good to me." We both leave the house after grabbing our phones.

I tug at the end of my t-shirt seeing a grey spot from when I was cleaning. "I got my shirt dirty, give me your hoodie," I say as I stick out my hand to Jungkook. "I'm not going to tuck my shirt in so give it to me. I can see your shirt sticking out." I say in annoyance.

He sighs as he gives me his hoodie. I slip on the comfy, oversized, grey puma hoodie. "Thanks," I say with a smile as I jump up to his height to pat his head. "Let's go there." I point to the convenience store a few feet away.

We step inside the small store and raid the shelves of our favorite snacks like instant ramen, instant tteokbokki, honey tang tang chips, banana milk, kimbap, and pocky. As we place our items on the counter the cashier looks to us oddly. "You two aren't skipping classes to go on a date are you?"

Eww. Jungkook and I burst into laughter. "No no, definitely not. He's my younger brother and we just moved here." I say as I calm down my giggles. "Ah, I see. I'm sorry for-" Jungkook interrupts the worker. "No, it's okay. Don't worry about it."


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