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I was leaving my physics class when I found Namjoon waiting for me by the window. "Hey," I say with a smile. He chuckles to me as he adjusts the backpack on his shoulder. "How was math?" I heave a sigh with exaggeration. "Obviously amazing like it always is." We both laugh as we walk down the hall. "Nice sarcasm." I playfully flip my hair, "Well thanks. I'm told it's one of my best qualities." We laugh again and meet the others in the courtyard.

"I'm quite excited for psychology class!!" Hoseok says as he sits down at the table. "Why?" Yoongi asks as he looks at him with annoyance. "Is it not obvious?" Everyone shakes their head no. "Ouch," He puts a hand over his heart. "It's because Jungyoon is here." Hoseok smiles at me. "I'm glad you're excited. You're a great friend." I say fondly. I thought today would have gone to shit but thanks Namjoon I was able to make friends.

"Namjoon?" He hums to me as he turns his eyes to mine. "The other day, that boy with the blue hair who ran to get you...is his name Taehyung?" He nods. "Yeah, Taehyung-ah is our dongsaeng." I nod my head as Jin looks at me questionably. "I met him today, I forced him to be friends with my brother." I laugh as cold sweat drips down my back. "Taehyungie loves making friends!" Hoseok says loudly making Yoongi jump from where he was dozing off.


After the bell rings Namjoon, Hoseok and I went to our class while Jin went to the hospital for his training and Yoongi went to the studio to make more songs. Our class wasn't as full as I thought it'd be. We took our seats near the front of the room to read the board better. Today we were using knowledge from the last lesson to conclude why people with mental illnesses make their choices on a whim without giving much thought.

"Doesn't it depend on the type of illness they have?" Hoseok asks. Namjoon and I laugh at Hobi for stating the obvious. "Thank you Hoseok for reminding everyone information we already know." The professor says. "You should really pay attention more," I say as I nudge him with my elbow.

 "You should really pay attention more," I say as I nudge him with my elbow

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