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After I have finished getting ready and slipped some clothes over my swimsuit I walk across the hall to wake up Kook. I knock a few times and after waiting for a few minutes the door opens. "Ready?" I ask him. He looks at me confused.

"For the store? You can go alone. There is no way that I am going at 10 in the morning." I cross my arms when I'm about to yell at him but then I realize that I never told what the plan was. "We're going to the beach with our friends. Hurry up and get ready or else I'm leaving without you in 15 minutes."

As I'm waiting for Kook in my room I take some pictures. Once I find one I want to post on Twitter I look through my feed to see a suggestion of who to follow. Follow worldwidehandsome, goldenkook, and 3 others from your contacts.

I click the suggestions and look through to see that Jin, Yoongi, Hoseok, and Namjoon have accounts but so does..."JUNGKOOK?!" I yell out his name unintentionally and he bursts through my door. I look up to him from my phone and glare at him.

"Why didn't you tell me you had a Twitter account?" He gives me a bunny grin and I stand up. "You said it was stupid to post pictures of yourself on the internet. What the hell?" He fiddles with his hands as he thinks about an explanation. "Noona, Taehyung and Jimin hyung have one and said I should get one too."

I look at his bio to see it was made in 2010 when I had made my account. "Liar!" I shrieked. "It's 2013 Jungkook, you made it three years ago but never used it until now." He looks the other way and apologizes. "Whatever, go finish getting ready."

I look through his account to see it's a mix of selfies and random photography. Just thinking about this pisses me off. He's such a hypocrite. I look at Yoongi's account to see lot's of random rant tweets and selfies. The same goes with the other guys except for Hoseok. He has dance videos posted too.


On our way to Jin's and Yoongi's place, I spot some pretty flowers by the side. "Jungkook take a picture for me," I say as I shove my phone into his hands. "Why?" He complains. "Because I asked you and you're a great photographer. I'll give you credit when I post it." I say with a smile.

He thinks about it then goes along. I stake a few poses as I hear my phone go off as the pictures a snapped. I walk back to him and look through them. "See!" I yell. "You're great at taking photos. I wish I could have found your act sooner."

We walk a bit further up the road before hearing Siri on Kook's phone announcing we arrived. "This is their place?" He asks confused. "It's an apartment building, not one big house." I punch his arm before walking ahead to the doors.

After making it to their apartment number I ring the doorbell then hear Hoseok yell "Who is it?" On the other side. "It's Jung-" The door swings open before Jungkook can finish answer him. "Jungkookie!! Jungyoon!!" He flings his arms around us giving a tight hug.

"Nice to see you too hyung." Jungkook says as he struggles to get out. "Hey! Hoseok leave them alone." Yoongi growls. We're released then we enter the apartment. It was quite spacious with a modern look.

"We're just waiting on Namjoon to arrive with the other maknaes." Jin says as he enters the room with a giant infallible beachball." Jungkook looks at the ball baffled. "That thing is bigger than Jimin." He retorts.

I look at him with a glare. "You know what's bigger than you?" He turns to me with a glare. "What?" I give a smirk as I whisper to him. "My dick." He pulls back disgusted. "What the heck!! The joke is not funny."

"Yeah! Very no fun." Hoseok says in English agreeing with Yoongi. "Well, now I can tell who the sub is in your relationship." Yoongi looks to me laughing as Hoseok looks to him for help. "I can't help you out if she's right."

"Just shut up and help me pack snacks." Jungkook and I rush to Jin. "We'll help!" We say. Helping with snacks means your cat taste them if they aren't already packaged. Plus Jin's cooking is the best!!

I had posted one of my pictures from earlier that I made Jungkook take before helping Jin with packing snacks. After we had finished I went over to the couch and sat next to Yoongi who was working on his laptop. I'm sure he was working on songs again.

I opened my phone and replied to comments on Twitter. Looks like Jungkook's friends followed me. I went ahead and followed them back along with Jin. I also took the opportunity to follow Hoseok, Yoongi, and Namjoon. As I was looking through my twitter feed I saw that Jungkook had just posted something.

 As I was looking through my twitter feed I saw that Jungkook had just posted something

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Hello!! I'm finally back with chapters. I'm so sorry about my absence. I missed you all 😭💜

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