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The last few days I've been hunting for homes and jobs nonstop but sadly, I couldn't find anyone who would take me. I'm alone at the apartment when I receive messages from Namjoon.

 I'm alone at the apartment when I receive messages from Namjoon

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I roll off the bed stumbling to the kitchen craving (favorite food)

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I roll off the bed stumbling to the kitchen craving (favorite food). After looking around I realize that Jin and Yoongi don't have it. I grab some money and make my way to the market. I walk in going to the exact aisle to find it. A smile appears on my face when I see its fully stocked.

I take a couple and walk to the cashier. When I was walking to turn the other way someone bumped into me. I turn around and apologize immediately. Once my eyes look up I see my mom.

"You..." She said in a cold tone. "I want you gone." I look to her confused. "Mom what are you talking about? I can't just leave town without enough money." I say firmly.

"I have money, I'm sending you out of the country you filthy whore." I stumble back as my mouth gaps. I wanted to talk back but she was already making a big enough scene. Taking a deep breath I turn away to pay for I had came here for.


Later that day when Yoongi arrived home he told me after Jin finished his hospital training everyone was comming over for dinner. I washed myself up and packed my things after. I found a nice outfit and curled my hair along with elegant makeup.

If this was really the last time I was going to see them all I wanted it to be remembered with happy memories

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If this was really the last time I was going to see them all I wanted it to be remembered with happy memories. I went to the kitchen to see Yoongi cuddling with Hoseok on the couch while Jin was in the kitchen cooking.

"Hobi, when did you get here?" I ask with a laugh. His head turned with a joyous smile plastered. "Jungyoon!! You look so pretty, what's the occasion?" I bring a finger to my lips. "Its a secret, everyone will know at the same time."

After a few minutes, everyone came in one by one. I walked up to Namjoon and hugged him tightly. He kissed my forehead before letting go and stepping aside for Jungkook. My eyes started to water as I remember what mom had told me earlier today.

"Jungkook..." I grab his hand as tears welled up in his eyes. "I'm so sorry. You have your hyungs here for you." I hug him as he cried on my shoulder. A few minutes later Jungkook was feeling better. Everyone sat at the table filled with food.

"Wow! Jin hyung this is amazing!!" Taehyung said as his mouth watered. Jimin kept eyeballing the food with hunger. We all complimented Jin before digging in. I gave it some time before mentioning my news. All the bantering and happy laughter are going to be broken soon.

"Guys," I said witha cracked voice. "I have something I need to share with you all." Hobi's eyes lit up after mentioning it. "I'm pregnant with Namjoon's baby." Is what I had said but I actually wanted to mention that I was leaving the country for good. "WHAT?!" Jin exclaimed while water spewed from Jimin's mouth.

"Can you name it after me?" Taehyung said with a laugh. Yoongi looked to Hoseok with shock as Hobi clapped in excitement. "W-When did this happen?" Jimin asked dazed. Namjoon gives a dry laugh as he turns to me. "I guess I'll explain then," I glare at Namjoon from beside me.

"Remember that night we had a party to celebrate the college acceptance letters, it was then. After you all left that certain things took place." Yoongi shook his head. "I'm surprised but I'm not disappointed. If anything Namjoonie will always take responsibility or things like that unless it comes to him breaking something."

Everyone laughs at Yoongi's remark. After then it turned into our normal conversations. A couple of hours later everyone had left. I was in my room as I wrote handwritten letters for everyone. I knew what I had to do; there was no avoiding it.

I grabbed my luggage and set the letters out on the counter. I left the building quietly and met my mom at my school grounds. She rushed to the airport and brought me inside. The ticket I was given was to Canada. "Stay away until your successful. Your godmother lives there, theres a picture of her in the envelope."

I heard my boarding number being called. I rushed to the gates. After getting myself situated in the plain, I took out the envelope to find where I would meet my godmother, what she looked like and some money. I opened my phone and posted on Twitter for the last time.

 I opened my phone and posted on Twitter for the last time

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Song: Summerfever by BEVY MACO

What an ending. I hope you all liked it and if you need any clarification just dm or comment!!

I may or may not make a second book ^^

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