이 밤 | Jin Oneshot

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This is a one-shot inspired by Jin's new song 'Tonight' I hope you all enjoy reading this.

I've waited for years to see him again. Jin and I believed that there was no way we would be able to see one another again until I returned to Seoul. We had an unknown time of when I would return. I was always with him before his debut and even after that. Once I found out that my parent's had been moving to the States to expand their business I was upset to tell Jin. He was doing so well with BTS and being an idol. I didn't want to ruin it for him.


I knock on the studio door. Jin, who was sitting in the chair, turns around. "Y/n, you didn't tell me you were stopping by." He stood up and pulled my hand to embrace me. I could hear his heart beat as I kept my head to his chest. "I wanted to surprise you." I give a sheepish smile and put my hands around his neck. I pulled his face to mine and gave his soft lips a kiss.

"What were you working on?" I let him go and sit in the rolling chair. I look down to the lyrics and see the song is titled 'Awake.' Jin shuts the door and rests his hands on my shoulders. "Well..it's a new song for our new album." I nod my head. "A solo song?" I ask. He hums as he pulls another chair up next to me. "Yeah, the album will be called 'Wings" and each member has their own song based on their character's storyline."

I look over to Jin with a smile and he simply smiles back. "Could you sing it for me? I want to hear your lovely voice." I place my hands on his as I beg to him. "Ah, you're too cute. Of course I'll sing for you!" He begins to sing the song and once I hear the intro my heart swells with warmth. The way he sings always comforts me, no matter the theme of the song. It always makes me happy to hear one of his best qualities.

I had gone to the studio to break the news to Jin. We had been dating since our first year of high school. I've always kept Jin close to me, he means everything to me. I just love him so much. I love everything about him. Even his ridiculous laugh is adorable. If I tell him now, it would affect his career. I don't want him to fail at what he loves to do. I tightly grasp Jin into my arms.

"Y/n?" He hugs me back and rests his head on mine. "Never give this up. No matter what happens." I pull away from him and hand him my necklace engraved with my initials. "If you ever give this up I will sell your Mario collection!" Jin widens his eyes and begs me not to. "Don't do that! There will never be a need to do that. I promise!" We both laugh. "I'll get going, you should get back to your song. I had left some cupcakes back at the dorm for everyone." I kiss Jin before leaving.

As I walk out into the hall I take the letter out of my purse that I had written for Jin. I see Namjoon in the lobby with Yoongi. I hurry over to them as I glance over the letter again. "Hey." I say as I take a seat at the table. "I need the two of you to do me a favor." The nod their head. "It has to do with Jin." Namjoon places his coffee cup down and his eyes become clouded. "It's not anything too bad, but it can affect him badly if it isn't done at the right time." Yoongi sighs as he leans back in the chair.

"You're not going to break his heart are you?" Yoongi asks with concern. "No! I'd never want to break up with him, it's just that this could really upset him." I place the letter on the table. "This is for Jin. Give it to him when you won't be busy with fan meets, concerts, talk shows, VLive, and performances. Just whenever there is a time the group isn't busy. Make sure you're there for him and keep him distracted." Namjoon takes the letter and put it in his pocket.

"What's going on?" Namjoon and Yoongi both ask. "I'm moving to the states, my family wants to expand their business. I don't know how long I'll be gone for." I cast my gaze down. "I'm sorry for all the trouble this will give you but I plan to come back one day." Yoongi leans forward and whispers, "If you never return, I will find you for breaking my hyungs heart with a lie." I look up to him shocked. "Understood..please don't tell the other members." I stood up from my seat, "See you." I leave the building and make my way back home.


Four years later, I can finally see him again. I get to see Jin. They were performing at the Rose Bowl in LA for the Speak Yourself Tour. I had happy bought center stage tickets in the front. I've seen photos Jin has posted on twitter where he was wearing my necklace I gave him. I was lucky to also get sound check tickets too. I made my way to the sound check. After making my way inside the stadium, I wait a couple of minutes then BTS enters. They all walk to the front and Namjoon spots me and has a shocked expression on. He moves over and has Jin go to the front.

Jin was all smiley until our eyes met. He had jumped off stage and ran to me. He pulled me into his arms. "Y/n..I really missed you. I had always been wondering if I would see you again." I felt wet droplets fall on my shoulder. I wrap my arms around him too as my eyes water. "I'm here. I had been waiting for when I could see you again." Jin lets go of me and brings his lips to mine. I was cover in the same sensation. He deepens the kiss. The fans around us scream as the rest of BTS just talk about how Jin would always image how he'd see you again.


After the concert, Jin and I were together in his hotel room. "I wrote a song that helped me get through this." He hands me his phone to read over the lyrics. "Tonight...was this what you had been feeling?" He nods his head. I smile as my eyes water again. Jin pulls me to him, hugging me tightly. "I'm sorry I say." Jin runs his fingers through my hair. "You shouldn't be sorry. You couldn't help it." Jin continues to comfort me.

"When you return to Seoul, I'll be there waiting for you." I look up to him as he smiles to me. "Stop crying Y/n. If you don't stop you'll fall asleep shortening our time together." Jin cups my face as he uses his thumbs to wipe my tears. "I love you." He says in a low tone. He pulls me back into his arms again as he leans back into the bed. "I love you more."


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