이십 육→26

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"Noona, you may not be allowed to go to school but you can't avoid Namjoon forever. If mom doesn't know you're meeting him it'll be okay." Jungkook says as he takes his seat next to me. I bite my lip as I way my options. I want to be with Namjoon but if mom knows I'll be kicked out and have to pay for school myself. If I avoid him, mom will be happy but won't let me raise my child. She'll most likely press charges against his family.

"I know I can't but I am for now. I'm not allowed to leave the house for a few days." Jungkook's eyebrows knit together as I stand. "None of this makes sense and I get it but I'll figure it out on my own." I walk back to my room and start writing everything down on a list. I need to find better options. I want to prove to mom that Namjoon isn't a threat.


Author pov

Jungkook had informed his sister that he was going to pick up her work for her on his way back home. He entered the campus gates like a lost puppy hoping to look for one of his hyungs. He was only told directions to the music room which he had already forgotten.

While walking in a daze Jungkook had bumped into someone walking past him. He bowed as he apologized, when he looked up he saw a familiar scowl. "Yoongi hyung?" Yoongi gave a surprised look back before moving his lips. "Why are you here? Isn't Jungyoon at home?"

"I came to get her work, do you know where I can find it?" Yoongi nods his head while asking Jungkook to follow him. He's lead to the music room where the rest of his hyungs are. "Namjoon should have it or Hoseok." Jungkook looks in the dance studio to see Hoseok teaching Namjoon new dances.

He opened the door quietly trying not to interrupt them but the loud squeak of the door did just the opposite. Jungkook stood in the doorway awkwardly as Hoseok and Namjoon just watched him. "I-uhm. Do you have Jungyoon's work? Yoongi hyung said you might have it."

Namjoon smiled and went to his bag while pulling out a folder of work. "She can keep the folder and give her this too." Jungkook is also given a note. "I will. Sorry to interrupt."

When Jungkook makes it home he gives his sister the work. "Oh noona, Namjoon hyung said you can keep the folder and he wants you to read this." He hands her the note. She pauses before taking it and reading it. Jungyoon's expression changes from calm to stressed. "What is it?" Jungkook asked.

"He said he wants to meet up tomorrow but I can't leave the house." Jungyoon looks over at her phone sitting on her bed. "I'll have to text him then." Jungkook shakes his head no. "Mom comes home ina few hours but she'll fall asleep immediately after that. Go see Namjoon when he works during his break, I'll keep watch and message you if anything happens."

Jungyoon looks at her younger brother for a few seconds before agreeing. "I'll do it but don't let me down or else you're going down with me. Now leave so I can work." Jungyoon turned back to her desk and pulled out her textbooks to begin her assignments as Jungkoo quietly left the room.

" Jungyoon turned back to her desk and pulled out her textbooks to begin her assignments as Jungkoo quietly left the room

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