스물 아홉→29

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I hum happily to myself from the events that have happened earlier today. Namjoon is extremely loyal and I knew it. My eyes look up to him as we walk back to the internet cafe hand in hand. His silver hair lightly touched his forehead as it moved slightly from the breeze. Namjoon turns to me with a laugh.

"What are you thinking about?" I shake my head at him. "Nothing. Am I not allowed to just look at your handsome face?" He blushes at my comment and covers his mouth as he chuckles. "I can't stop you can I?" Namjoon retorts.

The maknae's were waiting outside for us. "How'd your little date go?" Taehyung asked with his boxy smile. "It went well. The details are for me to remember and you not to know." I sass. "Noona; it's almost time to work and we gotta stop by the store too." I nod my head.

I stand on the tip of my toes and pull on Namjoon's shoulders to give him a kiss. "See you at school?" I wave by to Jimin and Taehyung along with Jungkook.


"Mrs. Lee?" I call out from her front yard. We didn't hear an answer so I proceeded with caution and entered her gate. Once I made it to the front door I could see from the window that she was talking with someone. Jungkook rang the doorbell summoning her here.

When the old lady opened the door I saw who she was talking to. "It's the Jeon siblings!! Come inside. We can head to the shop in a few. I was talking with a co-worker of your mother's." It was Choi Sunhee. Mom's new friend and I'm assuming, real spy here.

"Hello," I say with a bow along with Jungkook. I place the cat food in the kitchen before heading back to the living room. "It was nice talking with you Mr. Lee however I should get going," Sunhee said before walking off.

"Why don't we go open the shop now?" Mrs. Lee said as she grabbed the keys. I left the house first and when I made it to the gate I heard Sunhee on the phone.

"Yoonseok I'm sure they don't know I was following them. I just left Mrs. Lee's house to hear the alibi. No, they did make it believable. I should get going, right I did take pictures too. Okay, goodbye."


When I finish helping our neighbor along with Jungkook we crash on the couch. What I had heard earlier was still spinning around my head. I'm not surprised that mom went to such an extent but she really had Sunhee follow us around and take pictures.

Jungkook looks to me. "Noona are you okay?" Looking back to him I hive a sigh. "I wish," I reply with a dry laugh. "I'm going to bed now; don't stay up too late." I walk to my room. I wanted to tell Jungkook what I heard but I have no right to worry him.

When the time is right and when I have to pay for my actions then he can know.


I'm woken up from the sunlight peering through my curtains that I forgot to close last night. I stand and stretch before going out into the kitchen. I see mom standing there with her arms crossed and Jungkook in tears beside her. I amble over.

"Jeon Jungyoon pack your things and leave immediately! I'm giving you one hour." Mom goes back to her room and slams the doors. "Noona...w-what's happening. I don't understand." I hug my younger brother hoping to comfort him.

"I'm so so sorry. This all on me, if mom ever tries to take this anger out on you find one of your hyungs and tell them." I release him before going to my room and packing. I finished before the hour was over. My room was plain and empty. Only my bare bed and desk were left. The bathroom only had Jungkook's things.

I rolled my suitcase to the door. I pulled my hoodie up and put my dust mask on. I left a handwritten letter on my bed. I took a step out the door saying goodbye to who I was and who I knew there. There was no place to call home anymore.

I walked a bit until I arrived at Jin's and Yoongi's apartment. I knocked several times before Yoongi answered it. He had a glare across his eyes until he realized it was me. Yoongi moved to the side letting me enter.

"Jungyoon, what's going on?" He sat on the couch leaving a spot next to him for me. I pulled my hood down and took my mask off. "My mom kicked me out. I'll just stay here for a few days until I find a place for myself."

"Stay as long as you need to," Jin says entering. "This place is always open to another roommate." I turn his offer down. "I can't leech off the two of you. I only need three days." Jin and Yoongi nod. "If you need any longer just let us know. We're here to help you." Yoongi tells me. "I know."

I walk off to the extra room and lay on the bed. I can't return to school since my mom unenrolled me. I can't contact anyone since my service was turned off.

 I can't contact anyone since my service was turned off

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