CHAPTER FIFTEEN✎The journey to his brother's house was wonderful. His hand rested on my thigh at all times except for when he needed to make a sharp turn, then he would have to let go for a moment. I genuinely enjoyed spending time with him. There was never a dull moment. It was impeccable with him.
Soon, we pulled into the driveway of the house. Much different from Ethan's, it was bigger and there were two cars parked in the driveway. I was ecstatic to meet Grayson, this is a big step in our relationship. "Are you excited?" Ethan asked as we sat in the parked car. I nodded & moved my hair out of my face and pulled down the visor, checking my makeup.
"I'm nervous, what if he doesn't like me?"
[ Ethan's pov ]
I was nervous about this as well. There are things Beck doesn't know about me. There have been other women & I've brought some of them to meet Grayson. He never liked any of them, except one.
She was the fourth girl I brought to meet him. Her name was Ana, & she was my first love. My entire family loved her, along with myself, of course.
Until one day.
She gave me her phone to text her mother for her while she drove. As I was in the middle of typing a sentence, Ana received a message from a number I didn't recognize. I checked it quickly and was instantly heartbroken at the sight of the messages. I found her nudes, sexts, & loving messages to & from this man that dated back months. Months before we were even together. I was the other man. Not him. Me.
I didn't say anything about it until the next day. I asked her kindly if I could come over & she said yes. I told her I knew everything & she tried to deny it, saying I was crazy & she'd never do such a thing. I ended things then and there. From then on, I was never loyal to another woman again. Until I met Beck. On our first date, I have to admit that I was seeing someone, and the second date as well. My original plan was just to hook up with Beck, I never intended on a fourth date.
I don't know why, but after our third date, I knew I couldn't do it to her. I don't plan on telling her, even though it wouldn't really matter because we aren't together, and I can do whatever I want. I ended things with the person I was seeing and decided I was done fucking around. I told myself I would treat Beck right because she seems so fragile & pure. I've truly never felt this way about a girl since Ana.
Things with Beck seem so right, so easy. I could see that she wouldn't be disloyal, she's quiet and shy. I like that about her, though. She's beautiful, and I'm falling for her quickly.

FanfictionEverything he owned was velvet, marble, or gold. But, his heart was too cold. A young woman walks past the same man every day on her way to work. He has no clue who she is, but she can't get him out of her head. The two are finally brought together...