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As Shaq, Terry, and Johnny burst into wherever people get lottery ticket money from, they noticed it didn't open for 5 more meaty minutes. "Awww." The three sighed. "It's cool guys, 5 minutes is just enough time to visit Gaston's pub." Said Shaq. "No it isn't." Said Terry. By this time Shaq was already in the Shaq-mobile waiting for Terry. "Johnny, make sure to redeem the lottery ticket while we grab lunch, K?" Said Shaq. "What?" Johnny said, stuffing his face with food from Gluttony's food laying mobile that was in the middle of the road. "Alright. With my laser focus, I will remain here without getting distracted." Johnny thought.

Not even one second later, Johnny spotted Alissa trying to suck the soul out of a piece of grass. Johnny, as you probably predicted at this point, teleported over to her and gave her a hardy: "Hey there succy mama. How bout-" "I already know the punchline is going to have something to do with your dong so STEP OFF!" Alissa said, throwing Johnny back across the street. "Better check the time." Said Johnny, checking his watch. "WHY DOES EVERYTHING INVOLVE MATH." He said, noticing the numbers. 

Suddenly, Johnny spotted Oscar Carl down the street

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Suddenly, Johnny spotted Oscar Carl down the street. "Hey pal, you got the time?" Johnny asked. "Yeah, it's about 4 minutes and 30 seconds until that lottery ticket place opens O'Clock." Said Oscar Carl. "This is gonna take forever..." Said Johnny, trudging back to the building. 

Oscar Carl was heading over to the Town Hall to prove to the Wolf of Wall Street that he was legally a real wolf because of his great wolf lodge ears. "I'll show that nincompingas who's boss.." He thought. When he got to the door of the town hall he was stopped by a guard. "Sorry m8 read the sign." He said. Oscar read allowed. "No flaming fedoras allowed. Shit." He read. "Ok, I guess I'll just go home then." Oscar Carl said walking behind a wall and putting on a fake mustache. "Hey, I put on a fake mustache, can I come in now?" Oscar asked the guard. "No." Said the guard. "Damn it, being subtle usually works." He said. Suddenly he came up with a devilish and delightful plan called "beat the fuck outta that guard so I can get inside." "Get swoosed." Oscar Carl said while grasping the document as if it were one of the 7 chaos emeralds. 

Just then, Oscar Carl's flaming fedora burned the entire building down

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Just then, Oscar Carl's flaming fedora burned the entire building down. "FIRE!" Shouted Frollo. "Oops." He thought., as a crowd gathered around. "That building had everyone's important documents in it! Legally none of us exist now. Great." Said Zoey. "Good. Let this remind you that our existence is meaningless anyways." Said Shadow. "Don't worry guys, i'm sure our mayor has a solution!" Said Oprah. "Wait.. does anyone know who the mayor even IS?" Asked Lolobubu, using his magic eraser to erase the fire. There was silence. No one knew, who was the mayor of Unnamed City. "We'll it's not me." Said Rookie. "Wait so we've been living in anarchy this whole time?" Asked Kretmi. "I guess so, yeah." Said Sebastian. Upon hearing this, the citizens of Unnamed City erupted into chaos. They all started burning buildings and running around screaming, until one man caught their attention. "People, People! What if we elected a mayor so we don't have to keep running in circles?" Suggested Harrybo. "Yeah, my legs and voice are already tired out so that sounds good to me." Replied Man in a Kermit the Frog Suit. Suddenly Trump stepped up to the podium and shove Harrybo out of the way. "I'll be your mayor." He said. Inspector Gadget threw a brown brick at him, sending him off stage.

"NO ME!" Shouted Kowalski and Agolf in unison. They then lowered their eyebrows. "Well, let the campaigning begin I suppose." Said Riley Porter. "I SUPPOSE HAI!" Shouted several monkey's while clap and slapping in rhythm. The rivalry continues.

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