The issue is your tissue

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Back in the dimension where all the Spencers we're hunting AU versions of their enemies, Spencer and the AU Spencer that met him in the taco mix dimension were in a heated rivalry still. Both were getting sweaty from being out in the sun for so long. "So, giving up yet?" Said the AU Spencer. "Yes." Said Spencer. "Yeah me too. Wanna go grab a drink at the Hut Hut Yuk over in my dimension?" Said the AU Spencer, opening a portal. "Yea u rite." Said Spencer, going through. Once through, the portal closed behind them. "Uh." Said AU Spencer. "What?" Said Spencer. "This isn't my dimension." Said AU Spencer, looking around. "How do you know?" Said Spencer. "Everyone here is wearing a detective Halloween costume." Said AU Spencer. "Hey guys, long time no see." Said Detective Shaq. "Hi, can you point us in the direction of Universe CG-666?" Said AU Spencer. "Yeah it's right over there." Said Detective Shaq. "Hey, that's one universe away from mine." Said Spencer. "Say hi to Kenny for me." Said Detective Shaq, as the two Spencer's began walking. "WHOA WHOA WHOA WHERE ARE YOU GOING!" Said Spencer. "THAT IS NOT THE ISSUE." Said AU Spencer. "The issue is your tissue. And besides, When you travel through dimensions-" started Spencer. "Yeah yeah yeah, keep your tiny pants on beep boop BLAP. I wrote that Song." Said AU Spencer. "Actually I did but whatever." Said Spencer, as they turned around and went clockwise through dimensions.

"Hey we're here. That was fast." Said Spencer, noticing they were in Shaq's High School. "Wait no we aren't, but we're close." Said AU Spencer, noticing Dr. Zomboss being arrested. "Wait I don't think either of us we're in that story." Said Spencer. They then opened another portal and exited in a bizzare location in front of a Mall parking lot where they noticed four sweaty yet handsome teenagers walking about, meming about things. "I think we took a wrong turn at Albuquerque." Said AU Spencer. "I think I'm gonna be sick." Said Spencer, getting out of there. The two then decided to conveniently use a montage from Phineas and Ferb to make this go faster.

"Oh wow cool we're here now." Said AU Spencer, conveniently arriving in the right dimension/universe. "Where am I?" Said Spencer. "WE ARE AT MY DIMENSION, WHERE WE NEED TO BE SO GET OUT. OF MY CAR. N O W!" Said AU Spencer, as they walked into the Hut Hut Yuk, 4 troglodyte seconds later. AU Tender served them a glass of AU milk. "Thanks." Said Spencer. Suddenly, AU Tender started chuckling. "What?" Said Spencer. AU Tender blankly stared off into space, so Spencer took another sip, cashing AU Spencer and AU Tender to laugh. "Haha. Ok very funny. What did you do to my drink." Said Spencer. "What are you talking about?" Said AU Tender. Spencer took another sip and this time they really burst out laughing. Spencer grabbed AU Tender by the robotic collar and screamed at him. "WHAT DID YOU DO TO MY DRINK?" He yelled. "I- PFFT. I-" said AU Tender. "YOU WHAT?" Said Spencer. "I LEFT THE PULP IN YOUR DRINK!" Said AU Tender. Spencer then spit in his face before having a shocking realization. "NANI?" He thought.

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"MWAHAHAHA! Took you long enough to realize, Spencer." Said AU Spencer. Spencer then looked around and noticed not a single reflective surface, so he dashed into the restroom and AU Donald Trump and SoFlo were there, as expected. AU Spencer then burst in. "Leaving so soon?" He said with an evil grin. "Sayonara, bitches." Said Spencer as he jumped through the "window." Unfortunately it was just a really realistic portrait of AU Waluigi, hung on the wall that looked like a window. "Uh oh." Thought Spencer. "You really thought I would let you escape so easily?" Said AU Spencer. "This was a trap from the start, wasn't it? You know, we could have been good friends, even if you are just Nega-me." Said Spencer. "Nice work detective, you realized I was actually Nega-Spencer the whole time. I didn't think you had enough brain cells." Said Nega-Spencer. "And now to finish you off for good, lower intellectual me." Said Nega-Spencer. "SHIA KAZING!" Said Nega-Spencer, pulling out two pistols and firing. Spencer was hit but then something amazing happened. "I WAS WEARING A SECOND TOWEL!" He shouted, revealing that the bullets had done no damage. "My turn." Said Spencer, pulling out a bagel and launching it into Nega-Spencer's rectum. "GAAH!" He shouted as Spencer made a run for it. 

"STOP HIM! HE'S FROM CG-667!" Shouted Nega-Spencer. But it was too late, Spencer had jumped into a tiny reflection in the pulp milk to escape. "I'm going after that bastard." Said Nega-Spencer, jumping in with him.

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