When Lennys Collide

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Over at the local Motel Mario, Mr. Moesby awoke from his suite like a vampire rises from it's coffin before Teneshi brutally stabs it to death immediately. Moesby then noticed a speck of mustard on the ground. "LOOKS LIKE IT'S SWEEPIN TIME." He shouted, searching for a broom. Upon opening the broom closet he saw no broom. "WHERE IS IT." He said, ripping the closet from the building and shaking it. Suddenly Roomby Succenclens fell out of it. "Who are you?" Said Mr. Moesby. "Your broom kinda died lol. I'm the substitute." Said Roomby. "You gotta SWEEP SWEEP SWEEP." Said Moesby. "K." Said Roomby, whom began cleansing at about 6 miles an hour. "S T O P" Shouted Moesby, pointing to a fucking enormous sign.

 "S T O P" Shouted Moesby, pointing to a fucking enormous sign

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"No running in my lobby... you have been warned." Said Moesby, scurrying over to hold the door for people. Just then, Big Smoke walked in. "Hey fool, didn't you have a chapter in the last story?" Big Smoke asked Moesby. "SSSSHHHHHH." Moesby hissed at Smoke. Big Smoke then shuffled over to the front desk. Moesby slowly appeared from under the desk. "Welcome to Motel Mario, where our motto is: 'YOU WILL DIE' how may I help you?'" Said Moesby. "Oh that's great. I'll have two Number 9's, a Number 9 Large, a Number 6 with extra Dip, a Number 7, Two Number 45's, one with Cheese, and a large Soda." He said. "If you want a Number 9, you'll have to rent a room and DIE." Said Moesby. "ooooo I only got an hour for lunch." Said Big Smoke, sighing and leaving.

Roomby Succenclens was succing the floor so hard that he was scratching it which caused Moesby to shriek and turn into Omega Moesby. "DO YOU REALIZE WHAT YOU'VE JUST DONE?! BEGONE!" He said, banishing Roomby to the shadow realm, which was actually just Shadow's bathroom. "GET OUT YOU'RE SPOILIN ME MOMENT." Shadow said, fighting of Roomby with a bottle of shampoo. "I'll never be able to wash this out." Thought Moesby, thinking of Shadow in the shower. Moesby, who was now normal, was still pissed about the chipped floor. Out of the corner of his eyeball, he noticed something on the floor. And it wasn't just one of those weird floaty bacteria things you get in your retinas sometimes. "Mayo? But eating in my lobby is strictly against the rules..." He thought. He then realized it wasn't mayonnaise. It was DNA. He then looked up and noticed Panty emerging from a motel room. "WELL THAT WAS WONDERFUL, GOOD TIME WAS HAD BY ALL I'M POOPED." She stated, heading towards the door. Suddenly, uncloaked as he was leaving the hotel as well. "Gentlemen." He said.

"Wait a minute you two

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"Wait a minute you two." Moesby said as Panty and Lenny were both about to exit. Moesby pointed at the DNA. "Whomst does this belong to." Asked Moesby. "Is this some kind of joke?" Said Lenny. "I'm not even male." Said Panty. "Hey, females are weird, you never know what kind of body fluid they might suddenly ooze." Said Moesby. "He's right, i'm kind of the expert on that kind of thing." Said Lenny. "Well. You sure talk big for a person who made that fuckin tiny drop." Said Panty. "From the looks of- whatever garbage i'm looking at right now, it was likely whom ever your partner was." Said Lenny. "Oh really? Let's see what's behind curtain number one then shall we?" Said Panty, as Hugh Neutron emerged from the room. He simply wiggled his eyebrows at Lenny. "I've been inside many doughnut holes but that one takes the cake." Said Hugh. "Hugh, is this mayo yours?" Asked Panty. "No, I don't think anyone could miss by that much." He said. "ALLOW ME TO CUT THROUGH THOSE WORDS!" Shouted Lenny as Judy Neutron emerged from his room. "What's huh?" She asked. "Is this mine?" He questioned. "Nope." She said. "Hmm" They all said.

Suddenly Big Smoke came back and wiped the small stain. "Whoops, I forgot to clean this when I came in. I dropped some mayo from my last order." He said before race-walking out. They all then laughed but Lenny laughed slightly longer than the rest. "What?" Asked Panty. "Just the fact that you got so salty because I am superior in the lenny arts." Said Lenny. "While you said that, I had 3 snakes in my garden." Said Panty. "Oh yeah, well while you said that alone, I parked my car in 4 garages." Said Lenny. "OH YEAH? Well while you looks 2 degrees to the left just now I had sexual intercourse with 5 males." Said Panty. "OH YEAH WELL WHILE YOU JUST BLINKED I FILED MY TAXES!" Said Lenny. "Can you guys please move your snakes, cars, and taxes somewhere else? It's scaring away my customer.." Said Moesby. Lenny and Panty then frantically ran out of the motel to see who could get the most lenny in one day. Hugh and Judy just deleted this particular day from their memories.  The rivalry begins.

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