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Back in Unnamed City, Oscar Carl was practicing saying his catchphrase, while taking his great wolf lodge ears on and off. "Yes it is, no it's not, yes it is, no it's not." Said Oscar. "HEY, THERE'S THE DICK WHO BURNED DOWN OUR MOST IMPORTANT RECORDS! GET HIM!" Shouted Captain Qwark, leading an Angry mob of OCs. Oscar Carl then put his wolf ears on. "No it's not." He whispered. "Where is this handsome man you speak of? I know not where he is, but i'll help you find his whereabouts!" Said Oscar Carl. Tibor then removed his great wolf lodge ears and stepped on them as the crowd surrounded him. "So about earlier... Heh heh... heh.." Said Oscar Carl as everyone got their beating sticks out. 

"YARRRG!" Yelled a voice. "Huh?" Said Oscar as he turned around. Dutchy Flyman's ship was seen running over the crowd and breaking spleens left and right before stopping in front of Oscar, who was standing on a manhole cover. "Hey Dutchy, this look like the treasure hole to you?" Asked Johnny. "YOU WERE THE ONE WHO BURIED IT, YOU TARD. YOU LOOK!" Shouted Dutchy. Johnny then got out and saw Oscar. "Stay back greeny, there's a gremlin guarding it." Said Johnny. "I'm not a gremlin, but that ship would make for a convenient get away." Said Oscar Carl. "Yeah that's great, kid. Do you know where me money is or not?" Said Johnny. "Johnny lad, I think he wants to join our crew." Said Dutchy. "No dice. We only accept curvy cuties on this love boat." Said Johnny. "How about we make a little exchange?" Said Oscar, holding an article of clothing. "Eh? Eh?" He said. Johnny then sniffed it. "It's still warm. This is a genuine artifact. OK you're in dude! Just keep these coming. Actually, you know what. Screw the money. Let's go pick up some chicks!" Said Johnny, not realizing the article it was just Carl the Man-bikini who was unconscious. Oscar then boarded the ship and they set sail down the streets once again.

 Oscar then boarded the ship and they set sail down the streets once again

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"Where am I?" Said Carl the Man-bikini, waking up. "Welcome aboard me hearty, this be the S.S. Chick magnet." Said Johnny, giving him an eye patch. "A talking bikini? This is better than I bargained for..." Thought Johnny. "Carl, we need ye on repairs! Dutchy, swab the poop deck! And Oscar, man the wheel. Out destination be the nearest cutie ye spot." Said Johnny. "AYE AYE!" The three said.

Meanwhile, Lenny was trying to figure out a strategy to beat Panty in their contest. "There are like 12 females within a 15 mile radius, and all of their virginities are mine. What am I gonna do?" Thought Lenny, watching Panty through his binoculars in a bush. She was chasing Skullmageddon down the street. "PLEASE GO AWAY, ALL I WANTED WAS A DATE!" Yelled Skullmageddon. "C'MERE SWEETHEART." Yelled Panty like the soldier. Lenny's binoculars then shitfted towards the high school where he noticed Kretmi entering the building carrying something roughly the size of a big-tiddy-goth-gf. "So whatcha lookin at? And why are we in this bush?" Asked Stocking. "Don't worry about it, big-tiddy-goth-girlfriend." Said Lenny with a grin. Lenny then dragged Stocking into Kretmi's lab. "Hey, mind if I borrow that conveniently placed cloning device?" Lenny asked Kretmi. "Sure, go ahead." Said Kretmi, shoving Stocking into it. "YES THAT'S IT." Said Lenny, as it created several hundred Stockings. "Hohoho, delightfully devilish. Gimmee" Said Kretmi. "No me." Said Lenny. "No, me." Said Kretmi. "NO ME!" Yelled, Lenny, as the machine broke. "Uh.." Said Lenny. "YOU EEEEEDIOT!" Said Kretmi. "Hey, at least I won the contest." Said Lenny. "DO YOU REALIZE WHAT YOU'VE DONE? WHAT'S GONNA HAPPEN WHEN THEY GET HUNGRY? IT'S HARD ENOUGH TO FEED ONE OF THEM!" Said Kretmi. Lenny unzipped his pants. "Oh I know what they'll eat." He said as the Seinfeld laugh-track played. The lenny begins.

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