Catherine's POV:
It is the next morning and I wake up to my alarm. I start thinking about Emma. I need to find out who Emma likes. I think she likes Michael but I just have to make sure. I'll ask Ashton if Michael likes Emma. I feel like I should get them together because of everything she has done for me.
I crawl out of bed and go to the kitchen in my pajamas. I decide to make everyone breakfast. I think I'll make pancakes, eggs, bacon, and toast. I know the boys love vegemite, so I will leave that out with the toast. I turn on Pandora to 5 Seconds Of Summer radio and jam out while I'm making breakfast.
I start with preheating the oven for the bacon and mixing the pancake mix. I turn on the stove to make the pancakes and I hear footsteps. It's Ashton.
"Are you making breakfast for us?" He asks.
"Yes, I love to cook so I woke up to make breakfast for all of us," I say.
"Wow thanks," he says, "do you need any help?"
"If you want to make the rest of the pancakes, I can start making the eggs. I was thinking scrambled, is that ok with you?" I ask.
"Of course, thanks for asking," he says. One of 5 Seconds Of Summer's songs come on and we both start laughing. "Are you listening to 5 Seconds Of Summer radio?" he asks.
"Maybe...," I say trailing off.
"Wow Catherine, can't get enough of me, can you?" he says smirking. That is correct, I can't get enough of him.
"Just focus on the pancakes, Ashton," I say back. Now the two of us are in a comfortable silence and dancing while cooking.
Almost everything is cooked; we are waiting on the bacon. I think the smell woke up the boys because they are coming to the kitchen.
"DO I SMELL BACON?!?!?!?" shouts Calum. Everyone starts laughing.
"Yes, there is bacon, Calum," I say laughing. His eyes seam to light up because I just talked to him... Strange.
"There is also toast, eggs, and pancakes," says Ashton. The oven goes off, indicating that the bacon is done.
"Now, we can eat!" I exclaim, "I just have to wake up Emma."
"I'll do it," says Mikey, "I mean since you cooked, you should be able to eat your food first."
"Ok thanks," I say back. The boys and I exchange glances and I realize we are thinking the same thing: Mikey must like Emma!
Michael's POV:
I go to Emma's bunk and open the curtains. She looks so peaceful and beautiful in her sleep. I really like her and I hope she feels the same way. I lightly shake her and she wakes up a little.
"Go away Catherine," she groans, "I am trying to sleep in on my day off."
"I'm not Catherine, but she made a really good breakfast so you might want to wake up before it is all gone," I say back. Emma snaps her eyes open and sees that it is me. She immediately starts to blush. I start smirking because I made her blush.
"Um, tell everyone I'll be out in a couple of minutes," she says back quickly.
I go back into the kitchen and say, "Emma will be out in a couple of minutes, lets eat!"
Catherine's POV:
After breakfast, the boys insisted on cleaning up, so I let them. I go to my bunk in the room that I share with Emma. I get ready for the day with my usual routine. I take a quick shower, so I can start the day fresh. For clothes, I decide to wear a white shirt with high-waisted jean shorts. I wear that with a floral statement neckless and black converse. I, of course, wear all my Alex and Ani bracelets and a simple ring that I've always had, even when i was homeless. I put on a little makeup: some mascara, powder, natural eyeshadow, and lipgloss. I wear my hair natural, which is wavy, and I put a black bow in my hair. I decide I am ready for the day.

Everything Broken (A 5SOS Fanfiction)
Teen FictionCatherine and Emma go through a roller coaster journey filled with love, laughs, and drama. The question is: will they sit around and watch everything break or will they try to put the pieces back together?