Chapter 1

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Forth slowly inserted the key in the lock and twisted it, paying close attention to not making any noise. As he pushed the door open, he scanned the hallway of his apartment, only to see it clear of any people. So far so good. Beam was probably home, but he must be on their work computer, browsing the most recent job listings.

Forth took off his shoes and placed them down. His stockinged feet made no noise as he walked from the hallway toward the kitchen. He removed the champagne, and whipped cream from the bag, hesitated over the lube and condoms and finally left them inside. If everything went well, he'd have to carry them to the bedroom anyway.

This was it, the day he'd been waiting for so long. Today, it was his and Beam's two months anniversary, and Forth had finally decided to take a leap of faith and celebrate it in style.

Even if he hadn't actually done this before, he knew how it worked, and he even had some fantasies which he couldn't wait to share with Beam. He intended to slip into something more comfortable and pour Beam a glass of champagne, but he lost interest in that tentative plan when a moan of pleasure reached his ears.

Dread building in his heart, Forth abandoned the supplies in the kitchen and walked toward the bedroom. The closer he got, the clearer the sounds became. He wanted to think Beam was masturbating or watching a porn movie, but he couldn't possibly deceive himself in such a way. The confirmation to his worst fears came when he dared to crack the door to the bedroom open. Two male bodies lay entwined on the bed, moving rhythmically.

The sound of flesh slapping against flesh nauseated Forth, especially since he recognized Beam as the guy currently has been pounding into the ass by some stranger. Forth could almost hear his own heart break—which really, seemed like a very silly thought to have right now. But Forth couldn't be expected to be one hundred percent rational, not when his entire world had come crumbling down.

He hesitated for so long that Beam and his lover ended up climaxing while Forth watched. Seeing them rhythm together in orgasm infuriated Forth. He shoved the door open and burst into the room.

"What in the world is going on here?"

It was a stupid question, since Beam's lover dick was just now leaving Beam's body.

"Forth. Shit. I thought you were working late," Beam replied, having enough decency to pull the sheets over his naked body.

"I wanted to surprise you," Forth shot back, feeling like he'd fallen into a nightmare. "It seems that I succeeded."

The stranger Beam had been fucked lifted his hands, like he wanted to prove he wasn't a threat. "Look, man, I didn't know he had a boyfriend. It was just a hook-up."

Forth ignored him, because taking in the nakedness of the other man just hurt too much.

"How could you do this to me, Beam?" he asked.

"It's not my fault," his boyfriend—no, his ex-boyfriend—spat at him. "I only wanted to date you so that u can fuck that ass of mine, but you've been playing hot and cold with me for months."

It was true that Forth had issues with intimacy, which was why he never managed to hold onto a relationship. But Beam had seemed so nice. He'd understood Forth's problems with trusting other people and agreed to them taking it slow.

"You said you could wait," Forth said, aware of the tremor in his

voice and hating it with a passion.

"You said that I could take as much time as I needed."

Beam shrugged. "And you can. Just don't expect me to be as celibate as you.I have needs, you know. If my boyfriend doesn't meet them, I have every right to go elsewhere."

My Secret Lover by ARIE78 (Completed)Where stories live. Discover now