Chapter 17

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Phana caught up with Forth's friend just as the other man exited the building.

"Hey, wait a minute," he called out. "Wait. I need to talk to you."

The man—Forth had called him Ming—turned toward Phana.

 "And what exactly do you want? I'm kind of busy debating the advantages and disadvantages ofcalling the police on you. Phi has a history of falling for assholes, but you take the cake."

"I just want to apologize. Nong Forth means a lot to me, and I truly thought you were hurting him."

In hindsight, he could recognize now that it hadn't been very rational behavior on his part. But the trip here had taken far too long, and every pulse of Forth's fear and sorrow had increased the aggressiveness of the wolf. He couldn't exactly tell Ming that, so instead, he added, "I do appreciate you being such a great friend to him and sticking with him when I couldn't."

"It's not me you have to apologize to. Phi Forth was heart-broken when you left. And then the pregnancy thing... Shit, I have no idea what you are, but you'd better be worth it, because Phi Forth is risking his life for your spawn."

Phana's breath caught. He didn't know anything about male pregnancies, since he hadn't heard about it ever happening in the werewolf world. Other paranormal species did it all the time, but for werewolves, it was unusual.

 "What do you mean nong?" he asked Ming.

"Look, I don't know much, only what my dad told us. He seemed to have some experience with this sort of thing and he said that it's going to be very difficult and painful for Phi, that the baby might not even survive, and that Phi himself is at risk. Male bodies just aren't built for pregnancy."

Just the idea of losing Forth made Phana's blood run cold. 

"Thanks... Thanks for telling me. I'll speak to him."

Ming frowned in obvious concern. 

"Maybe he'll listen to you. Or maybe you'll find a better solution now that you're together. Just let me know what you decide, okay? I'm very worried."

On impulse, Phana hugged Ming. It felt strange, but kind of nice and familiar, like touching a pack member, or maybe even a sibling.

 "Thanks. We will."

Ming broke away from the embrace and smiled awkwardly. 

"Okay, before this can get more embarrassing, I'm off. Take care of Phi Forth for me—or I'll hunt you down and rip out your testicles, no matter how much of a badass you are."

With that parting shot, Ming turned on his heel and walked away. As soon as the other man was gone, Phana rushed back to the apartment. He found Forth out of bed, staring at himself in the mirror and rubbing his now swollen belly. Phana's heart clenched and his knees almost gave out. He'd never thought he could be so happy and so distressed at the same time. "You're more beautiful than ever," he heard himself say.

 "You're more beautiful than ever," he heard himself say

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My Secret Lover by ARIE78 (Completed)Where stories live. Discover now