Chapter 8

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In his dream, Forth was burning up. Every single inch of him buzzed with the fire of passion. Phana's hands were everywhere, his lips exploring Forth's body, testing his reactions. His clever fingers tortured and teased, rubbing Forth's nipples, sliding over his sides, and finally, reaching for his dick. With a smug, sexy grin, Phana knelt between Forth's legs and licked his lips. He swirled his tongue over the head of Forth's prick, awakening every nerve ending in his body.

"Mmm... You taste so good, my sweet mate."

In that moment, Forth realized this wasn't a dream at all. He could hear the truth of it in the husky sound of Phana's voice. He shook off the lingering remnants of sleep, and he took in the sight of the dark head bobbing up and down his hard dick. It was such a paradox. A day before, Forth had never thought he could wake up in bed with such a sexy man giving him head, but at the same time, nothing Forth could have ever dreamed up would have felt so good. And hey, who was Forth to question it? As Phana's hands landed on his hips, Forth surrendered to his lover and to the pure sensations Phana's ministrations awoke within him. Following his instincts, he tried to thrust into Phana's mouth, but Phana seemed to have decided a little torture was in order. He alternated hard, almost ruthless sucks with lazy exploration. One moment, he was tracing the biggest vein of Forth's cock with his tongue, and next, he bypassed Forth's dick altogether, choosing to mouth Forth's balls instead. And just when Forth thought he finally got a grip on the sensations, the other man returned to taking Forth's prick all the way into his throat, practically demanding his cum. Under the circumstances, Forth couldn't withstand the overwhelming rapture for too long. He came with nearly embarrassing swiftness, arching his back as he filled Phana's mouth with his spunk. Phana drank down every drop of Forth's offering, and his body trembled as he followed Forth over the edge. As Phana's hot cum hit his leg, it occurred to Forth that the two of them responded to each other with the exact same amount of enthusiastic desire. Somehow, that made the afterglow of Forth's orgasm even better.

As Phana finally released Forth's spent dick from his mouth, Forth said, "That was a nice good morning."

"I'm glad my efforts were appreciated. Now... breakfast in bed?"

Forth highly anticipated spending the whole day with Phana, but he caught sight of the clock on the wall. Just like that, he remembered. He'd been so focused on the problems of his personal life that it hadn't occurred to him he had a class to go to in the morning.

"Shit. I need to attend my class."

Taking into account that he had to drop by his place to change, he was already late. He felt even worse when Phana's face fell. Reaching for the other man, he brushed his lips over Phana's in the ghost of a kiss. 

 "I know this sucks, and not in a good way. But... I really like you, P'Pha. Could we... Do you think we could see each other on a more regular basis?"

His face heated and his stomach seemed invaded with butterflies as he waited for a reply. His rational side reminded him that he'd only ever intended to make this a no-strings-attached one-night stand, that he'd just broken up with Beam Baramee and plunging into another relationship was a bad idea. But his heart told him there was something different about Phana. That something that had kept him from turning tail and running the night before, and now guided him into wanting more.

"Baby," Phana said, "I wouldn't have it any other way. How about we see each other for lunch, and maybe later on, I can pick you up from your "Uni"? We can spend a nice, lazy evening together."

That sounded like Forth's idea of heaven. He must have said that out loud, because Phana grinned.

 "Believe me, baby, I feel the same. Now, up you go. Let's get cleaned up and I'll drive you home. Want to share a shower with me?"

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