Chapter 6

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He had one moment of apprehension when Phana finally discarded Forth's jeans. His lips twisted in a smirk that was pure sin, and he took hold of Forth's briefs and pulled. Just like that, the cotton ripped, freeing Forth's dick from its confines. In that lone instant, Forth's insecurities returned, prodding at him, comparing his body with Phana's, and of course, finding himself lacking. How could someone like Phana ever be interested in someone like him?He started to tremble, and although Phana couldn't have missed it, he didn't immediately address it. Instead, he helped Forth out of his shirt. Once this last item of clothing joined the rest on the floor, Forth was left in nothing but his socks, bare to Phana's gaze and more than ever aware of his inadequacies. And then, Phana brushed his lips over Forth's in a ghost of a kiss.

"You take my breath away," he murmured. "I wish you could see yourself through my eyes. Maybe then, you will realize how beautiful you are."

There was no more mirth now, no jokes, just honesty and the fire of the
passion blazing hotter and hotter between them. And yet, even through
all the lust that invaded Forth, he had a flash of realization. This wouldn't be just for tonight.Perhaps Phana might consider him another notch in the bedpost, but for Forth, it was so much more.A part of him wanted to bury those feelings deep within his heart, but instead, he set them free. He couldn't have spoken to save his life, but body language worked best in such situations anyway. He pulled Phana in for another kiss, the other man's taste the only thing that could even temper this fire within him. Phana quickly took over, swirling his tongue into Forth's mouth, exploring him, owning him. Their cocks brushed each other ever so slightly, not enough because of the difference in heights between them. Still, even with the less-than-perfect friction, Forth could have easily come just from making out with Phana. Phana had other ideas. All of a sudden, the other man tore his mouth away from Forth's and peppered his face with butterfly-light kisses. He even brushed his lips over Forth's nose and his eyelids with a patience that contrasted sharply to the desire Forth could read inside him. As he progressed down Forth's body, though, Phana became wilder, rougher. He spent an obscene amount of time exploring Forth's collarbone, sucking and nipping on his throat. After that, he lavished Forth's nipples with attention, at which point Forth realized that holy shit, the bits of flesh were seriously sensitive. The moment Phana engulfed one of them in his mouth, Forth nearly shot off the bed. A shock of pleasure swept over him, pooling straight into his cock.

"Oh, yes... Please, P'Pha."

Phana flicked his tongue over one nipple, all the while tweaking and pinching its mate. As he finally released Forth's tender bud from his mouth, he grinned ferally.

"I love the way you say my name, but I think you wanted to do something else with your mouth. "

Without any further warning, Phana straddled Forth's face, his dick dangling right above Forth's mouth. Forth got an even better look at Phana's privates, and wondered how he'd ever been able to resist. Those plump balls and that thick shaft seemed to have been made to be worshipped by Forth, and by God, he had every intention to do exactly that. Forth flicked his tongue over the leaking tip of Phana's cock, earning himself a grunt from the other man. Encouraged, he swirled his tongue around the head, greedily drinking in Phana's pre-ejaculate. The angle didn't allow him to get ambitious with his exploring, and maybe that was a good thing, because he didn't have any experience, and even less patience. Phana seemed to feel the same. He brushed the tip of his dick over Forth's lips, which Forth eagerly parted. Phana took advantage of Forth's submission and thrust his dick into Forth's mouth. Both of them moaned, with the distinctive difference that Forth's cry was muffled by Phana's dick. Still, the weight of Phana's prick on his tongue felt so right. The flavor of his pre-cum exploded on Forth's taste buds, stronger than ever before, fueling Forth's own lust. At first, Phana moved slowly, likely in deference to Forth's inexperience, but soon, he picked up the pace, fucking Forth's mouth with abandon. His scent overpowered Forth, especially when Phana somehow managed to bury Forth's nose into his bush. Forth might not have been able to blow Phana's mind with elaborate erotic tricks, but he enjoyed every second of what they shared. His lack of skill in this field didn't seem to matter to Phana, if Forth judged by the now unrestrained grunts and groans of passion Phana kept letting out. Knowing that he, the supposedly frigid virgin, could give Phana this pleasure empowered Forth, but it also made him ache for more. It made him want to give Phana everything he was and ever would be.

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