Chapter 19

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The night Forth had given his virginity to Phana, it had seemed like the ultimate act of trust, but now, they had a child on the way, and were discussing family. That went far beyond anything Forth had ever considered would happen.

"You know, P'Pha, there was always something that puzzled me," he whispered.

"How does a person know when they're in love? How do werewolves know?"

As he spoke, Forth trailed his fingers over Phana's naked chest. It was hard to focus on serious concepts when he had Phana completely bare in his bed, but that very same nudity gave Forth a good starting point for the plan forming in his mind.

Phana's brown eyes were turning golden again and his voice sounded husky when he said, "When we look at a person, when we smell his scent... It's right there. We just know." His hands threaded through Forth's hair and he murmured, "I don't know how humans love, baby, but if it's anything like werewolf emotion, it's a beautiful, magical thing, when you feel you can't breathe if you don't see that person. You're my mate, and our mate bond is forever."

Mate, huh? Phana had said the word before, but now Forth understood it differently. And he might not be a werewolf, but he felt the same. 

"That sounds about right," he told Phana. "My mate."

As he spoke, he rubbed against Phana's body, not in the least bit ashamed to show Phana the results of their proximity. Phana released one of his trademark growls —really, Forth should have guessed the man's werewolf nature solely from those sounds—and said, "I don't want to hurt you, baby. I—"

"You won't," Forth interrupted him. "I want this, P'Pha. I want you. I missed you so much. It still feels like a dream. It's... too much. Show me it's real."

Phana's breath caught. "If... If you feel any discomfort, just...."

Forth wrapped his arms around his lover's neck, bringing their lips so close they were almost kissing. "You'll know, won't you?" he whispered. "I want to do this, P'Pha. We can be careful."

Instead of replying, Phana separated the space between their mouths, brushing a light peck over Forth's lips. Forth let out a small moan, and Phana's tongue slipped into his mouth, coaxing and seducing. It wasn't like any of the kisses they'd shared before. In the past, Phana had taken his breath away through raw, visceral passion that followed a softer, gentler approach. In that way, Forth had gotten accustomed to both sides of Phana. But this time, it was different, because the two sides were no longer separate. Phana stopped trying to keep his nature from Forth, and as Forth did his own exploring, he could now feel the way Phana's teeth sharpened and lengthened—a predator's canines. It wasn't the first time he came into contact with those wickedly sharp fangs, but now, it was different in that the touches were unrushed, a little uncertain, but open and trusting. This was what Forth wanted, to get to know Phana in every possible way. Phana claimed that he'd known Forth was his other half from the very first moment they'd met. Maybe a part of Forth had known too—but through the romantic beauty of a love at first sight and the clear chemistry between them, they could build something everlasting, a true family.

Forth poured all of his need for Phana into the kiss, trying to tell the other man how much he wanted to trust what they had, and how afraid he was of losing it. Phana reciprocated by steadying Forth's earnestness with lazy, comforting, yet sensual touches. Even as his tongue seduced Forth's mouth, his hands were starting to work on Forth's clothes. Forth would have liked to help, but he already knew Phana was so much better at anything that required coordination. He focused on touching Phana, mapping his strong shoulders with his fingers. Phana was exceedingly careful with him, keeping his weight off Forth's body. Even so, he progressed steadily on his quest to disrobe Forth. Somehow, he managed to keep their mouths fused even as he unbuttoned Forth's shirt and reached for his zipper.

By now, Forth's dick was throbbing painfully in his slacks. When his lover's— no, his mate's—fingers brushed against his still clothed cock, Forth shuddered. Much to his dismay, he found himself already close to climax, and they had barely even started making out. Phana broke the kiss and licked his lips, his now golden eyes glowing with sensual promise. 

"You're so hungry for me, aren't you, baby? It's okay. I'll take care of you. I'll always take care of you."

The honesty in Phana's voice, coupled with the lust growing ever stronger between them granted Forth the ability to speak. "Make love to me, P'Pha. Please."

To point out his eagerness, forth wiggled out of his shirt and threw it aside. Now he was completely naked from the waist up, which essentially exposed the swell of his stomach to Phana's eyes. Phana sat back, and his hands briefly left Forth's crotch to explore his chest. His fingers zeroed in on Forth's nipples. The touch that followed was slight, barely there, really, and yet, it awoke each and every one of Forth's nerve endings, making him cry out and reach for his mate.

"Your nipples are even more sensitive than before," Phana commented almost idly. "I wonder what else has changed."

For once, Phana's teasing words didn't foretell a session of sexual pleasure-pain. When Phana touched Forth again, he did so in a nearly worshipful manner, sliding his hands over Forth's stomach. This time, he stayed silent, but that was all right. Forth heard everything that needed to be said anyway, or at least, saw it in Phana's eyes. When Phana pressed his lips to Forth's belly, Forth could feel that bond Phana had been talking about, so close, yet beyond his reach. He realized now that he wanted it—wanted everything Phana offered and more. Finally, Phana pulled off his socks and pants, leaving Forth completely naked on the bed. Now there was nothing separating them, and Forth spread his legs, hoping Phana would take him up on his invitation. Phana didn't, or at least, not in the way Forth would have liked. He by passed Forth's dick and swept his hands over his legs, all the way to his feet. Forth had to admit it felt amazing, especially when Phana started massaging Forth's ankles. Up until this point, he hadn't realized how much they'd started to ache, but when Phana's fingers performed their magic, he could certainly appreciate the change. The massage could have probably been considered platonic, if anyone else had performed it. As it was, Phana's touches built upon the pleasure and the need already burning inside Forth. When Phana traced his fingers over the arch of Forth's foot, Forth dreamed of having those very same digits inside him, or around his aching cock. His prick responded to the imagery by twitching and leaking copious amounts of pre-cum. His anus clenched around empty air, and he was torn between moving his leg from Phana's grip to encourage more daring caresses, and just relaxing, surrendering to Phana's mastery of him.

In the end, it was Forth who won the battle he hadn't even been aware they were fighting. Phana seemed to have no resilience at all to Forth's arousal. His nostrils flared, and Forth remembered Phana had said something about scenting him. It was really the only warning Forth got before Phana dove in and took his cock in his mouth. Volcanic heat engulfed Forth's prick, and he gasped, burying his fingers in Phana's hair as he sought an anchor in a world that had stopped making sense. No, that wasn't it. All his life, Forth had been struggling to find his path, and it was only now that he'd finally achieved it. And maybe he'd have taken some time to be thankful for it, but his gratitude was overwhelmed by his lust. Lost in the sensual spell Phana was casting on him, Forth thrust his dick into his lover's wet cavern, seeking more, needing more. Phana took his time, licking Forth's cock from the base to the tip, suckling on the glans, then lowering his head over Forth's prick in a corkscrew motion that made Forth's vision lose focus. His fingers massaged Forth's sac, and found their way to his taint. It was slow suction, reassurance and seduction all wrapped into one. There was so much emotion in this one act, in a sexual exchange that usually meant the epitome of raw carnality. In this moment, Forth wanted to give himself to Phana more than he'd wanted anything in his life. And he'd never have thought he'd ever consider something like this, but as much as he enjoyed the blowjob, it simply wasn't enough to satisfy him.

ARIE78: Not enough with just a blowjob right ?😳 Need more hot scene right ? But need to leave it like this...continue next week na.😂 Don't throw knives at me hahaha.. will make the chaps more happening. Pls wait for it ok . Pls leave comment and vote as always. 👌

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