Chapter 20

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Phana seemed to guess his desires. He released Forth's cock from his mouth with a wet pop. Forth's dick throbbed in protest, but Forth mentally reminded himself he only wanted to come when Phana was inside him. As if following Forth's train of thought, his lover flipped him on all fours. Forth's heart started to beat impossibly fast as Phana spread his ass cheeks. He tried to remember if he had lubricant somewhere in the room and finally directed Phana toward the nightstand. 

"Lube... There."

Phana didn't follow Forth's urge, and Forth almost thought that his lover hadn't heard him. After that, he didn't think anything anymore, because Phana speared his tongue into Forth's anus. Forth nearly came on the spot, the taboo caress making hot pleasure erupt over him. God, he was so close, so damn close he could taste it, almost feel the orgasm. And yet, he didn't fall over the edge. Even as Phana wiggled his slick muscle into Forth's fluttering hole, using it like a little dick, Forth pushed back against his lover, fucking Phana's face. He felt like he was hovering on the brink of something momentous, and the pleasure kept piling up. It seemed as if he was coming over and over, only he really hadn't, and probably wouldn't until Phana took him. Phana finally lifted his head, ceasing his ministrations on Forth's ass. He rummaged through the drawer Forth had indicated earlier, retrieving the halfempty tube of lubricant Forth had lately been using to masturbate.

A pop and a squirt signaled the fact that Phana had opened the tube. Just like Forth had wanted a few minutes earlier, Phana's fingers slid into Forth's hole, now slick with the lubricant. Even if the rimming would have likely worked just fine as preparation, Phana still finger-fucked Forth, maddeningly thorough as he made sure Forth was ready for him. And okay, a part of Forth didn't really mind, especially not when Phana brushed his fingers over Forth's prostate. But he was quickly reaching a tipping point, and he feared that he might lose his mind if Phana didn't claim him. Fortunately, Phana's empathic link to him did its job this time around too. All of a sudden, Phana changed their positions, lying down and pulling Forth on top of him.  Forth just blinked, and the next thing he knew, he'd ended up in Phana's lap, with his ass hovering just above Phana's hard dick.

 "We'll take it slow," Phana said. "At your own pace. Don't strain yourself."

Forth wondered if Phana was saying the words for his own benefit, or for Forth's. The tightness in the werewolf's jaw reminded Forth of their first time, when Phana had held back to give Forth time to adjust. And maybe the situation wasn't that different, but this time, Forth was absolutely and utterly certain of what he wanted and what he needed—and not just to surpass his former intimacy problems. Smiling at Phana, Forth slowly pushed down. Both of them gasped as Phana's dick popped past the ring of guardian muscle.Phana's hands landed on Forth's hips, guiding Forth's motions, keeping him from moving too quickly. In spite of his urgency, Forth let Phana dictate the rhythm. It just felt so right to be like this with Phana, their bodies entwined, but their souls reaching for each other as well. He didn't want it to ever end. The moment he took Phana's dick all the way inside him, everything seemed to fall into place. It wasn't even about the pleasure anymore, or at least, not only about that. He'd asked Forth what love meant. This was it, the closeness, seeing his future in Phana's eyes, and knowing that they'd have a family together.

As he started to move up and down Phana's dick, he allowed that knowledge to combine with the physical sensations. He felt so full of Phana, in every possible way, that he no longer knew where he ended and Phana began. And even as he rode Phana's dick, he never looked away from Phana's face, taking in all the emotions flashing through his mate's eyes. Alas, even something so beautiful couldn't last forever. Every time Phana thrust inside him, he struck Forth's prostate, pushing him even higher on the peaks of rapture. Any moment now, he'd fall over the edge, into that beautiful abyss that had tempted him for too long. But before he could do so, something swelled inside Forth, an ache that he couldn't fully comprehend or identify. 

"P'Pha...," he whispered

brokenly. "Please..."

As it turned out,Phana did know what that meant and what Forth needed. His right hand briefly abandoned Forth's hip and a strikingly sharp claw drew a bloody line over his own chest. Forth would have been frightened, except he instinctively guessed Phana's reasons before Phana even explained. 

"Bite down, baby," the man— the werewolf—said. "Claim me. Be mine."

Forth didn't hesitate for a single second. He lowered his mouth over the cut and bit onto Phana's flesh. His blunt teeth couldn't have pierced Phana's skin, but they didn't have to. Phana's blood flowed into Forth's mouth. The coppery taste should have disgusted Forth, but it didn't. Instead, it triggered an explosion inside Forth, so powerful that it set to shame every single expectation Forth might have had of this. It was an experience that combined the carnal with the transcendental. Even as Forth's dick spurted white streams of cum all over his lover's chest, a flood of emotions swamped him. It was sex and love, animalistic and human, a supernova of ecstasy that changed Forth' entire world. In his mind's eye, he could see it now, so clearly, a glowing thread of gold reaching out to him, lonely and abandoned, astray because Forth hadn't known to reach back. He did so now, and as the thread tightened and wrapped around him, the feelings and sensations solidified into memories, images and thoughts—some his, others not his own. He felt Phana's climax twofold, once through the sudden heat filling his channel, and again through this new incredible bond. It actually seemed like he'd come two times, and maybe he had, because his orgasm went on and on and on, neverending, destroying him and building him anew. And just when Forth thought it truly couldn't get any better, Phana's voice drifted into his mind.

 God, baby. I love you so much.

ARIE78: OMG, can't believe i'm writing this.Mind blowing for a while hahahah.....hahahah.....pls be patient na for next chap 😊 vote and comment as always 😉.

My Secret Lover by ARIE78 (Completed)Where stories live. Discover now