Chapter 18

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Phana froze. He hadn't expected Forth to ask that, which, in hindsight, had been stupid. Of course Forth had questions. He seemed to have accepted the pregnancy thing, which was remarkable given that Phana himself still had problems with it. Nevertheless, Phana owed him an explanation.

Releasing Forth, he left the bed and stood. "I think it's probably best that I show you. Just promise you won't freak out, all right baby? Remember that, no matter what shape I might take, it's still me."

Forth nodded, petting his stomach absently. "Okay. I'll remember."

Praying his lover would take this well, Phana quickly disrobed and left his garments on a nearby armchair. The scent of his mate's arousal—and the feel of it through their connection—distracted him, but he struggled to focus and acknowledge the seriousness of the moment. Finally, when he was naked, he allowed the shift to flow over him and summoned his wolf to the surface. When, at last, he dropped to the floor on four paws, he looked up at Forth and waited for a reaction. It was very easy for Forth to get distracted with the perfect specimen of man stripping for him in his bedroom. It was even easier to get aroused, and in fact, the moment he saw Phana's long, thick cock, his libido flared to life, completely ignoring the fact that his relationship with Phana needed so much work it wasn't funny. In that moment, he just wanted to reach for Phana and take the other man's cock in his mouth—or maybe in his ass. And then, it became obvious that Phana hadn't removed his clothes for the purpose of seduction. Under Forth's astonished gaze, his lover's form melted from that a smoking hot man to a huge black wolf. Up until that moment, Forth hadn't intellectually processed what his doctor had told him. Even if he'd seen some unusual things about Phana, he hadn't realized exactly what they could mean. But as the wolf pinned him with gray eyes that turned deep gold, Forth could no longer hide from it.

 But as the wolf pinned him with gray eyes that turned deep gold, Forth could no longer hide from it

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"Holy shit," he murmured. "You're... You're a werewolf."

The wolf slowly padded closer to the bed and set its massive paw onto the mattress

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The wolf slowly padded closer to the bed and set its massive paw onto the mattress. Forth tentatively placed his own palm on it, peering closer to the... creature's face. "P'Pha?"

In response, the wolf whined slightly and licked Forth's hand. Forth couldn't help it. He giggled. 

"Oh, my God, I should have known when you kept mentioning the moon. A werewolf... This is crazy."

The black wolf leapt onto the bed and started to sniff Forth and lick him all over. Forth ended up burying his fingers in the wolf's strikingly silky fur. He still didn't fully understand how the hell he'd ended up from a regular—albeit somewhat wacky— ordinary student to a pregnant man with a werewolf in his bedroom, but it seemed this was his life now. And oddly, he felt so much safer and happier than ever before. Yes, Phana had fangs and claws now, but somehow, Forth knew the other man would never hurt him. 

After a few minutes, Phana shifted back into his human form. He brushed his fingers over Forth's lips and whispered, "I seriously don't know what I did to deserve you. I was so worried you'd be frightened, and you... You amaze me more and more with every passing second."

"Don't be so quick to compliment me on my accepting nature, P'Pha" Forth replied, now testing the feel of Phana's hair and mentally comparing it to his fur. "I think I'm still in shock."

Phana didn't take Forth's comment in the light-hearted way it was meant. "You want me to get you some water? Maybe you need a breath of fresh air?"

Forth had never thought a gorgeous guy like Phana could ever be described as cute, but there it was. Phana's sudden agitation was just about one of the cutest thing Forth had ever seen. In spite of the oddity of the moment, Forth found himself focusing more on how comfortable it felt to be with Phana again, than on the implications of Phana's revelations.

"I'm fine," he assured his lover. "Although I still have a couple of questions. Is this male pregnancy thing common for your... kind?"

Phana shook his head. "No, baby. I had no idea it was even possible. Everything I've ever been taught suggests that we need a male and a female to breed."

Forth's eyes widened. Okay, so that was one thing he hadn't expected, although Phana had shown surprise when he'd first entered the apartment.

 "Then... How? Why?"

"I don't have a clue," Phana replied. "I just know this baby is ours, just like you are mine. Moon help me, I'd do anything to protect the two of you, but I feel so fucking helpless. Being away from you, trapped, experiencing your heartbreak, not knowing what made you so frightened, it was hell. And now that I'm finally here, I'm still useless."

Phana's phrasing immediately drew Forth's attention. 

 "What do you mean? How did you know I was frightened and heartbroken?"

Phana hesitated slightly. "Remember that time, when I bit you?" he finally asked. "Basically, werewolves claim our mates through our bite and it gives us a feel of whatever they're feeling at any moment in time."

Forth didn't know whether to be excited at the potential of this particular tidbit or angry at the intrusiveness.

 "Wait... You can read my mind?"

"No, not quite," Phana hastened to assure him. "It's more like... an empathic bond, and it's not very specific. It depends a lot on the intensity of a particular emotion, and it's meant to strengthen the union between mates."

"Why doesn't it work both ways then?" Forth asked, a little hurt by Phana's words. "Why can't I feel you?"

Phana cupped his cheek and caressed him with that very same gentleness that always managed to make Forth's fears fade. 

"Well, baby, it's because the mating bond is also a pledge of loyalty and fidelity. It means that the person making that pledge will never be able to be with anyone else, even sexually. You're it for me, baby, for as long as I live. I couldn't ask that from you, though, not yet. I knew from the very first moment I saw you that you were my other half, but humans have different ways. We promised each other we would take it slow, remember?"

Yes, they had said that, but so many things had happened since then that Forth's entire outlook on life had changed considerably.

ARIE78: Why each time i want to up a chap the wp will be hanged for a while. Need to redo it a few times. Get irritated sometimes. Make me just wanna unpublished my ff due to this 😓
Anyway as i promised, i will up it every Thursday 😊 Feel free to comment and vote na 😉.

My Secret Lover by ARIE78 (Completed)Where stories live. Discover now