Chapter 10

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Forth got to the university  just minutes before the first bell rang. He'd dressed in record time and broken several traffic rules, but in the end, he'd succeeded in reaching his destination without being late. It almost seemed like this would be the beginning of any other day, but as he made his way toward his office, he ran straight into Ming. That in itself wasn't the unusual part. Forth and Ming spent a lot of time together. But the events of the past few twenty-four hours—and God, had it only been that long?—hung between them. 

For a few moments, Ming just stared at him, then finally exploded, "Omg, P'Forth.... Do you have any idea how worried I've been? I was this close to calling the police. I imagined you getting raped or tortured or killed... I came to class in the vain hope that you might be here. Didn't you see my messages? Why didn't you call?"

By now, Ming was hyperventilating, squeezing Forth's shoulders so hard it kind of hurt. Forth winced, but only because he had been callous and not thought about his friend's concern at all. 

"It's fine, Nong," he assured the other man. "I'm sorry I didn't call, but I'm perfectly all right, and I met the most amazing guy." He sighed dreamily as he remembered Phana, aware that he probably sounded like a complete idiot, but not caring in the slightest. "I didn't think it could happen, but I think I'm falling in love with him."

Ming pulled him into the sotus meeting room and shut the door behind them. They plopped down on Forth's small couch. "I take it you had sex with him," Ming said.

Forth nodded. "It was the most amazing experience in my life. God, Nong... I can't even explain it. He was so gentle at first, so careful. And then, when he really started to..." His face heated as the memory of Phana fucking him made his dick stir in his slacks. "It was just perfect," he finished.

"Well, I'm glad that at the very least you had fun," Ming said. "Just please, tell me you used protection."

Forth froze. The thought of condoms had slipped out of his mind completely. It was the most important lesson he always taught his followers, but he hadn't even considered it last night, or this morning, for that matter. He distinctly remembered the heat of Phana's spunk as the man pumped him full of seed. God, how could he have forgotten? 

"I'm sure he's clean," he said with far more certainty than he felt. "He wouldn't have put me at risk like that."

"P'Forth, can't you hear yourself? There are a lot of people who trusted their lovers, and got sick because of it. You need to get tested, stat."

Even knowing Ming was right didn't change the fact that Forth believed in Phana. Ming just didn't understand. Something had clicked between them, and it went way beyond sexual chemistry and hot sex.

"I'll just call him and ask him about it," he said. "I'm sure it'll be fine."

Ming shot him a look of disbelief, but waited as Forth dialed Phana's number. It rang once, twice, three times, every passing second making Forth feel more and more anxious. Phana didn't pick up the phone the first time around, so Forth tried again. By now, Ming's anger had faded into concern. Forth squeezed his friend's hand, hoping that his fears would amount to nothing.

Finally, his call was picked up and Forth immediately greeted his lover, "P'Pha, hi!"

"Who is this?" an unfamiliar male voice asked at the other side of the connection.

Forth froze, and for a few seconds, he couldn't reply at all. "Hello?" the strange man prodded. "Anyone there?"

The stranger's mocking tone made Forth snap out of his shock. "I'm a friend of Phana's," he said. "Could you get him, please? It's really important that I speak to him."

My Secret Lover by ARIE78 (Completed)Where stories live. Discover now