Chapter 12

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He knew he'd crossed the line even as he said the words. His father might have let the comment go if they'd been in private, but with the audience they had, he couldn't do so. Releasing an angry snarl, he melted into his werewolf form, his clothes ripping as he changed shapes. Phana was done clinging to scruples. He changed shapes as well, jumping back on four paws even as he freed himself from his now-torn garments. His father was already lunging toward him, but Phana danced away from him, evading his father's claws. Truth be told, Phana hated fighting with fellow members of the pack, which was actually why he'd become so good at it. The automatic fear factor that came with being one of the strongest wolves meant he didn't have to actually hurt anyone to prove a point. But right now, he himself was angry and hurt. He still felt Forth's fear and pain, and in his wolf shape, those emotions triggered a ferocious instinct, unleashing the beast that regularly hid behind his calmer exterior. And so, he didn't waste his time with tiring out his older opponent and draining his stamina like he might have done under different circumstances. He just attacked ruthlessly, pouring all of his anger and need for Forth into the lunge, melting it into raw power. His father tried to sidestep him, but Phana's claws still raked over his chest. Of course, that didn't mean the other wolf was beaten. Phana might have drawn first blood, but it just made his father attack more fiercely. He got a good bite in, nearly maiming Phana's front paw. But Phana barely even felt the pain. The injustice of it, the fact that he was expected to be something he was not, infuriated him so much he could barely see straight. When he attacked again, he used his claws, fangs and his full bulk to his advantage, sending the other wolf to the floor. He bit and shredded flesh, tired of being abused and ordered around when all he wanted was to be with his mate. His father tried to fight back, clawing at Phana's exposed belly, but he was only halfsuccessful. In the end, Phana pinned him to the ground, his fangs looming over the other wolf's jugular. If he wanted, he could have ended his father's life on the spot, and no one could have said anything about it, since it had been a fair battle for dominance initiated by the older wolf. Instead, he growled, telling his father to surrender to him. Fortunately, the other wolf didn't force him into doing something Phana really didn't want. He bared his neck, and his submission effectively ended the battle. Phana leapt back, releasing the other wolf from his hold and already shifting into his human form.

"By werewolf law, I am now leader of this pack," he said, "but I don't want it. I'm done here. Call me a rogue for all I care. If you come after me, you will regret it."

He turned, ready to go and return to his mate's side. He caught one glimpse of Pring standing in the doorway, holding one of the enforcers' guns. It was one single moment during which Phana knew he had to move. And he tried to do it, tried to drop down and dodge the proverbial bullet, but for once, he wasn't fast enough. The silver struck him straight in the chest. If it had been a regular bullet, Phana could have easily recovered from it—with some pain, yes, but no real problems. Alas, his natural allergy to the silver in, and he collapsed on the floor, writhing. Unable to keep hold of his human form, he melted into his wolf. The elders surrounded him, leaning over him and eyeing him like he was a piece of meat. By rights, they should have punished Pring for her actions—she had attacked the new Alpha in a treacherous manner, outside a real challenge. They didn't. Kame actually clapped while the other elders watched impassively.

"Good job, Pring. He truly is magnificent. He'll make for a nice replacement for your mate."

Phana couldn't even understand what in the world the elders were talking about, but he did register the moment his father leaned over him, now in human form.

"Moon be blessed, Phana..." the other werewolf whispered. "Can you hear me?"

Phana managed to release a small, tormented whimper. The poison from the silver was already entering his blood stream, and he knew that any moment now, he'd lose consciousness.

"Kong!" his father shouted, calling for his brother. "Get a doctor in here."

Phana heard rushed footsteps, his brother's voice, then agitated murmurs somewhere in the distance. All the while, his father kept trying to help him, murmuring comforting whispers to Phana.

"Stop being so dramatic, Daniel," Kame said. "He'll be fine. He's a born Alpha, and he will do his duty to—"

"Enough!" his father interrupted the elder, temporarily looking away from Phana.

"I don't care about what you have to say. I don't care what definitions you give to this duty you keep speaking off. I'm sick and tired of living under your threats. You've gone too far this time, and you will pay for it if it's the last thing I do."

"And who will make me pay?" Kame laughed. "You? You don't deserve to be Alpha. You are weak. You—"

The last of the words were interrupted by a garbled scream as the Alpha shot to his feet, lifted his claws and raked them over the elder's face.

"Yes, I am weak," he said calmly. "I was weak when I didn't pursue my dream, when I let people like you guide my choices instead of claiming my true mate. I did get two wonderful sons out of it, but I'll always regret losing my other half. And I'll be damned if I'll allow any of you to tarnish that memory, or hurt my beloved sons."

The exchange confused Phana, which given his current condition, wasn't surprising. However, he could still experience a measure of satisfaction as Kame staggered back, and Pring released a gasp.

"This is an outrage," she said. "You can't do this."

"Oh, yes, I can. Until my son can claim his rightful position as Alpha, I am still the leader of this pack. And guess what, Pring? You're out of it. You're officially rogue. You shot my son, a member of your own pack, to achieve your own ends. Get off my pack lands before I hunt you down and kill you myself."

With that, Phana's father knelt next to him once more.

"It's all right," he said, caressing Phana's fur. "We'll take care of you, son."

That was the last thing Phana registered before the burn from his wound spread out all over his body and the world went black.

ARIE78: Really need to focus on my Forth after this. Already bully Phana 😂.
So like always vote and comments are needed 😊 pls be patient with my update 😉

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