Chapter 7

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He lay back on the pillows as Phana left the bed and walked out of the room.

Phana returned moments later with a wet wash cloth, which he used to wipe Forth down.

"Hey," Phana whispered as their eyes met. "Are you all right?"

A frown of concern marred his  handsome face, and that gentle demeanor that had first reassured Forth had returned. It contrasted so sharply with the wild sex they'd just
had, but it was just as true as Phana's other side, the passionate one.

Forth's heart felt too big for his chest as he replied, "Never better."

Phana didn't seem convinced, but he still brushed his lips over Forth.

"I'm sorry. I shouldn't have been so rough, especially since it was your first time."

"I am a little sore," Forth admitted, "but I don't mind."

Phana lay down by his side and pulled him into his arms. 

 "I seriously don't know what I did to deserve you, but I will never, ever fail you, and I'll always protect you," he said as he kissed Forth's temple.

Forth wanted to say something just as deep, but sexual satiation had settled into exhaustion.  

"Just stay with me," he managed to mumble.

Phana pet his hair and replied, "I will. Now get some rest, baby."

Forth let his eyes drift closed. Feeling safer and happier than ever, comforted by Phana's strikingly familiar scent, he surrendered to slumber.


For the longest time, Phana just watched Forth sleep. From up close, Forth looked impossibly angelic, like a gift from the moon,  that had dropped into Phana's lap. It only made Phana angrier with himself. He couldn't believe that he'd lost control so badly, that he'd already failed in keeping Forth safe. On the positive side, there was no longer any doubt that Forth was his mate. Phana had known from the moment he'd scented Forth's hair, but the sex they'd shared sealed the deal. Werewolves only ever knotted their mates, presumably to encourage procreation. That wouldn't happen between Phana and Forth, but it had felt nice just the same. Now that he'd bitten Forth, though, he had to make a decision. What would he tell his mate come morning? They could do the dating thing like humans, and maybe Phana could break the news to Forth gently. But Phana couldn't be sure that would work. He was fairly certain Forth had noticed some of his "werewolf"-isms, but had been too anxious about tonight to dwell on them. Things would be different under the light of day. And what would Phana tell his pack? Homosexuality wasn't exactly unusual, not in casual intercourse, but taking a mate of the same sex was an entirely different matter. If that mate was human too... There couldn't possibly understand. Phana was snapped out of his musings by the sound of his cell phone. He quickly scrambled for it and rejected the call so that the damn device wouldn't wake Forth up. Forth stirred slightly, mumbling Phana's name under his breath and curling around a pillow. Adorable. The phone rang again, and Phana knew he couldn't ignore it again. He left the bedroom and padded naked onto the terrace.

 "What?" he barked into the phone as he accepted the call.

"I take it I'm interrupting something," his older brother said. "Sorry." He didn't sound very sorry, not that it surprised Phana. "Was there something you needed or did you call just to bother me?"

"You know I wouldn't do that, especially not on the full moon. There was a special meeting with the elders today. They showed concern about the number of wolves who no longer spend the full moon with their own kind."

Phana groaned. The last thing he needed was to fight off the crazy old elders who thought they still lived in the Middle Ages. "Kong, listen closely. I don't care." "I know you don't," his brother replied, "but you should be careful. Born Alphas are considered loose cannons if they don't have mates."

Phana laughed. "So what? Are they going to declare me a rogue because I don't want to fuck a bitch and have ten and a half pups with her? Give me a break."

It was true that born Alphas like Phana were generally of great value to the pack. They were stronger, meaner, and faster than other wolves, and they exuded an authority normal werewolves simply didn't possess. But Phana had no interest in leadership or in the regular course of a born Alpha's life.

 "I'm not necessary, Kong. The pack has you already."

"That may well be," his brother replied, "but this is a real danger, Phana. The elders don't usually speak on such matters. By werewolf law, we are bound to listen."

Phana sighed and rubbed his eyes tiredly. "What did Father say?"

"Pretty much that they should go fuck themselves, but nicer. Still, it would be best if you came home."

Phana thought about the beautiful human sleeping in his bedroom. What would Forth think if Phana just left one day after they made love? "I can't. I have other matters to deal with here. Maybe in a few weeks."

"A few weeks?" Kong repeated in disbelief. "Have you lost your mind? You said the full moon plus three days when you left. What's going on with you?"

When he'd left, he had only planned a full moon with a one-night stand, then a few boring days to review the finances of a pack member who had businesses here. Suffice to say, that had all changed now.

"I assure you, I have my reasons. I'll share them with you and the pack soon enough. Just, not right now."

"But Phana—"

"Say hi to the pack for me, bro," Phana cut him off. "See ya."

Without allowing the other werewolf to say anything else, he ended the call and put his cell phone on silent mode. He tossed it onto the living room couch and returned to the bedroom, where Forth still slumbered quietly. As Phana joined him on the bed, Forth curled against Phana's chest and murmured something that even Phana's sensitive hearing couldn't understand. Phana covered both of them with the blanket and closed his eyes. He'd worry about his asshole-ish pack tomorrow. For now, he'd just enjoy his mate. That was the only thing that counted.

ARIE78: What will happen to Forth? Wanna know more, pls wait for the update ok?  Pls vote and comment.

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