Chapter 3

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Forth had no idea what he was doing. He knew next to nothing about the clubbing scene, and he'd only found out about the location of the establishment he'd gone to because he remembered one of his friend had their birthday party there. And now, here he was, in a quaint little coffee shop, sipping shakes and eating waffles with the hottest guy he'd ever seen in his life. Literally, Phana dripped sexuality, in that I'm-a-bad-boy-and-you-know-you-want-me kind of way. Forth had managed to cop a feel when he'd stumbled into Phana and even if it hadn't been intentional, he'd gotten a clue of the muscles hiding behind Phana's clothes. Not that the garments in question did a good job to disguise Phana's hotness. Heck, Forth had stolen a glimpse at Phana's crotch and could have sworn those tight leather pants must have been painted on just to outline the other man's dick. Forth felt his face flame as the memory caused his own cock to perk up. He focused on his shake and sucked the frozen liquid through the straw, so quickly he almost gave himself a brain freeze. Somewhat embarrassed, he looked up at Phana, only to find the other man watching him with an odd expression on his face. A few moments passed while they just stared at each other, and then his not-quite-date grinned.

"This is kind of awkward, isn't it P'Pha?"

Forth mentally sighed. Phana probably didn't have any interest in him after tonight. Forth was well aware of that. But Phana had still been so nice to him. Hell, Forth felt like he has been with Phana more than he ever had with Beam Baramee whom he'd known for months before they'd even moved in together. And even with all this, Forth was somehow managing to screw it all up.

"I'm sorry," he said. "I'm probably boring you already."

"Not at all," Phana replied. "To be perfectly honest, I don't usually go for waffles and shakes with guys I meet in clubs, so I'm not really sure how to act either. But I'm more than willing to learn, if you'll be patient with me."

Forth nearly swallowed his tongue at the emotion he read in Phana's voice, and in his gorgeous brown eyes. Damn it, he'd never known there were so many shades of gray in his life. Those deep orbs seemed to pierce his soul, making him want to crawl into Phana's lap, or maybe even to slide under the table and take Phana's dick into his mouth. And God, wasn't it telling that he'd already started to have erotic fantasies about Phana? Phana's nostrils flared and he leaned closer to Forth. Forth licked his lips, enraptured, aching for him. His hand itched to reach out and test the softness of Phana's dark, closely-cropped hair, but he was afraid that if he did that, he might not be able to stop himself from going further. Phana didn't seem to have the same scruples. Pushing the now empty shake glass aside, he brushed his fingers over Forth's lips. Every single muscle in Forth's body became hyper aware of Phana's proximity, just through that simple, nearly platonic touch.

He'd have liked to open his mouth and suck in Forth's fingers, but he didn't dare.

Phana pulled the digits away before Forth could muster the courage. Forth's mind almost melted when Phana actually licked his fingers, explaining, "You had a drop of shake there."

"T-Thank you," Forth stammered.

Shit, how could he be so persuasive with his nong but suck so badly at romance? Fortunately for him, Phana kept the conversation going, preventing them from falling into awkward silence once more.

"Can I ask you a question, nong Forth?"

Technically speaking, Phana had already asked him something—but that was beside the point. Forth couldn't have refused to answer Phana if his life depended on it.


"Why did you come to that club in the first place? What were you looking for?"

The inquiry snapped Forth out of his lust-induced trance, and he hesitated.

Phana pinned him with that deep brown gaze and said, "You don't have to answer me if you don't want to."

"That's not it," Forth said quickly. "I just... You'll probably think I'm crazy."

Hell, Forth had told himself more than once how insane this entire plan had been, and if not for meeting Phana, he'd have long ago retreated to the safety of his own home. Phana chuckled.

"I doubt that, but even if it's true, crazy isn't always a bad thing. So try me."

Something in Phana's easy going demeanor—or maybe just the fact that the man seemed torn out of Forth's most erotic wet dreams—made Forth nod.

Against all odds, he began to explain his problem, pouring his heart out to this stranger, "See, I have... intimacy problems. I can't really trust other people, so I've never managed to... you know... give myself to anyone."

Phana literally reeled back, like he'd expected anything but that. "You're a virgin?"

Forth winced. "It's kind of a long story, but yes." He didn't want to tell Phana about all the baggage he carried.

The virgin thing might have already taken care of whatever interest Phana had in him. But maybe all he had to do was to make it clear that he didn't want to be a virgin anymore.

"I've had a lot of problems holding onto relationships because of it, so I decided to just take the step today and be done with it. Maybe this way, I'll finally get over my problem."

For a few moments, Phana didn't even speak at all. He scrutinized Forth's face in silence, as if he was seeking an answer to a question Forth couldn't hear. When he spoke, his voice was so low and husky it seemed to come from another world.

"I'm going to be perfectly honest with you, Forth," he said. "I'm so aroused now that a part of me can only think about bending you over the table and fucking you right here, where everyone can see you're mine."

The last words of the phrase were marked by a shockingly animalistic growl. Much to his dismay, Forth released a little whimper. He'd never thought himself an exhibitionist, but the image Phana conjured appealed to him so much he just wanted to leap over the table and spread his legs. What was wrong with him? What was it about Phana that made Forth wish for so many things he'd never even dared to consider?

Phana's hands clenched the sides of the table, his knuckles going white.

"You have no idea how hard it is for me not to take you. But you can't take shortcuts with this type of things. It'll just hurt more in the end."

Forth opened his mouth to reply, then closed it once again. He was probably doing a pretty good impersonation of a fish, but he didn't know what to think. Phana seemed to genuinely want him. Forth might not have experience in bed, but he could tell when a guy desired him, and Phana definitely did. On the other hand Phana had refused Forth's thinly veiled offer.

"Would you hurt me, P'Pha?" Forth asked when he found his voice.

Phana sighed heavily. "I'm not a good man, nong Forth. There are a lot of things about me that you don't know. But no, I'd never hurt you. I swear it to the moon."

The odd phrasing amused Forth and he stole a look out the window. From his seat at the table, he could get a clear look of the night sky.

"To the moon, huh? That's actually quite beautiful."

"The moon itself is beautiful," Phana replied. After a small pause, he added, "I know this will probably sound like a tremendous cliche, but you're even lovelier nong Forth."

Just like that, Forth knew. Something clicked in his heart, and he was flooded with the sudden realization that this was it. This was the moment he'd been waiting for. He didn't even care about what Ming had said earlier. When he'd met Phana, the course of his life, and his destiny had changed.

Straightening his back, he faced Phana and said, "P'Pha, I want to be with you. Won't you make love to me tonight?"

ARIE78: At last, can update the story. Sorry cos in this ff Forth a little bit pampered type of guy. He has been the tough guy right for Beam so I want him to change it in this ff hahaha...Don't kill me na. Forth do look cute sometimes.  Don't forget to leave a comment and vote na.😉

My Secret Lover by ARIE78 (Completed)Where stories live. Discover now