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i awake to a knock at my door and the faint smell of something burning. i lay still, not putting forth the effort to get up and answer the door. "mills?" an eager voice asks, muffled from the door.

"mhm," i trail off, flipping over so that my face is buried in my pillow.

"can i come in?" i now recognize the voice as paige.

"yeah," i say weakly, starting to get up. i still have my clothes from last night on, so i pull the covers up to my chest so paige doesn't get suspicious. the door clicks open, and my sister enters my room.

"morning," she says, sitting down on the edge of my bed. "you've got filming in an hour, so i suggest you get up. i kinda burnt our breakfast so i fixed you some cereal to eat while you get ready."

i grin, still not moving. paige awkwardly starts to leave. "well i'll leave you to it then."

once i'm sure she's gone, i dart out of bed and into my closet. today we're filming at a pool, so i tug on the swimsuit that amy, my stylist, already gave to me. once the simple black one-piece is on, i pick up my phone to facetime sadie, planning on telling her about last night's events. i press the facetime button, and she answers in no time. "guess what!" i yell, regretting it afterwards. i hope paige didn't hear that.

"hm?" sadie prompts, sitting at her table.

i throw on an oversized t-shirt and some denim shorts before i start to talk.

as i walk into the bathroom, i start. "okay, so last night i went to alexander's." i pull out a washcloth, beginning to wash my face. "and finn turned out to be there. so we were just kinda sitting there, and he started to apologize. so i was just thinking about how i missed him, and then i was like 'ok sure we can get back together'. and then he kissed me. sadie oh my god finn actually kissed me!" i squeal, washing the soap off my face.

"oh my gosh, that's great!" sadie exclaims, a smile arriving on her face. "so are you back together? like, officially?" she asks as i dry off my face.

"um, i guess so. i think he brought me back into my room, cause i remember falling asleep on the roof and when i woke up i was in my bed," i brush out my hair, separating it into two parts.

"fillie is back!" she exclaims, laughing.

"please don't tell anyone. let me do it," i beg her as i start to french braid my hair. i secure the ends with two black rubber bands as sadie swears not to tell anyone.

"okay, thanks. i'm gonna go eat so i'll see you at the pool." i wave goodbye to sadie, and then hang up. i exit the bathroom, walking down the hallway back to my room when paige stops me.

"so you and finn are back together?" she asks, putting a hand on her hip.

"how- what-?" i stutter.

"you're like, the loudest talker ever. i could hear you telling sadie from the living room."

i mentally face palm as a wide blush creeps up my cheeks. "yeah. we are."

paige smiles. "good. but if he breaks your heart again, don't hesitate to tell me. that boy can catch my hands."

i laugh, giving paige a side hug. with that, i head back into my room. i sit down at my desk, opening my macbook air. i pull up youtube, and proceed to watch pointless videos while eating my cheerios.

around an hour later, i'm walking on set. a few people with cameras are set up outside of the pool, trying to snap a picture of us. i ignore them, continuing with my walk inside. i meet up with sadie, who's right next to the door. she jumps up, grabbing my wrists. "oh my gosh!" she squeals. i'm guessing this is about finn.

"so you're still on this?"

"of course! i'll be on this until you're married!" she says, making me laugh. "you guys are adorable."

at that moment, finn waltzes up to us. "what are you talking about?" he asks, raising an eyebrow.

"totally not how cute you guys are," sadie grins, and i make a note to kill her later.

finn turns red, a look which is probably identical to mine. "well i'll leave you love birds alone now!" she winks, and then walks off to talk to caleb. i roll my eyes jokingly.

"have you told anybody?" finn asks shyly.

"just sadie. do you wanna tell anyone else?" i respond.

"sure, just the kids though. i don't even know if the adults knew we were broken up in the first place."

for the next fifteen minutes before shooting starts, we make our way around the pool, informing noah, gaten, and caleb of the change in our relationship. everyone's reaction is positive, but sadie's tops all.

"alrighty people! let's go!" matt shouts, clapping his hands. we-as in me, finn, sadie, noah, gaten, and caleb- gather near the door to talk about filming. he explains what we're going to be doing, and then soon enough, we start. finn and i walk to the water, like instructed, and "mike" has to persuade me to get into the water. el finally agrees, and finn grabs my hand and leads me in. his hand is soft and gentle against mine, and he supports part of my body wait as we get deeper into the water.

our characters say a few lines, and then we stop. "alright, sadie, gaten, caleb. your turn," matt instructs. while the cameras are turned to them for a minute, finn picks me up, holding me above the water, then throwing me back in. i let out a short scream, then fall into the water a few feet away. i swim back up to him, playfully swatting his chest.

we continue to play around like this until the cameras turn back to us, and we have to film another scene.


five days left. five days until we all say our goodbyes, and part our different ways. we'll all be going to our different homes, scattered all over the country. i don't want it to be over. who knows what will happen to finn and i's relationship. what if the long distance thing doesn't work out? what if we stop dating? all the "what if's" circle through my brain like a bullet train. they occupy my brain leading up until it's three days left.

filming is pretty much done. this morning, we filmed our last scene. we might have a few more, just in case something got messed up, but there's nothing left on our schedule. these last three days are here for our cast goodbye party, and just to hang out together.

one last date. that's all i want with finn.

i decide to text him.

me: hey finn

finn: hola

me: you busy tonight?

finn: nope i have no plans

me: good. you up for dinner at aurora and then going to eliza's after?

finn: that'd be great. ly

me: ly2. i'll be at your condo by 6. that good?

finn: yep

it's an hour until six, you i set my phone on the couch, and head into my room to get ready.

a/n: look at that! i'm alive! idk why it took me so long to write this, and it's not even that good. but sadly, this book will be coming to an end soon. i plan to write a chapter with their date, and one more with the cast party. and that will be it! i'm sad to say goodbye to this book but i don't wanna draw it out longer than it needs to. also, thank you guys so much for 1.4k reads! i never thought that this book would get there!

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