I Hope

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Amaris' pov

    I was walking down the sidewalk on the way to see my friend, Jacob, at his job. I got lost in my head thinking about how mundane this place is. It never changes around here, as if life is scripted and the writer decided to make the most boring movie ever. I guess that's how it is in everyplace that you've been in all your life. You start to learn the mannerisms of the town, how it thinks, how it acts. Everything becomes predictable. And I do mean everything. Last week, Mrs Eslow died of a heart attack. I swore that I saw it coming, but everyone thought I was joking. I wasn't. A week before she died, I looked at her and I saw her dying and then she did. A few days ago I was talking to Abe, Jacob's grandpa. He was acting a bit strange, although that's not out of the ordinary for someone with dementia. But he kept going on about how they were coming after him, and how he needed something to fight them off. Before I could ask him who they were, I saw him dying in the woods. And what was weird was his eyes were missing. I shook my head to clear my thoughts and found that I had already made my way to the Smart Aid. As I walked in I saw Jacob picking up a stack of adult diapers that had undoubtedly been knocked over. As I watched Jacob, one last thought lingered in my head. I saw Abe die, and the day he dies is supposed to be today. But that can't be true, it's probably just my brain making up things. I hope.

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