Bombed 09/03/1943

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    "Hey dudes!" Mr. Portman had found a group of teenagers near the hotel and decided that they were decent tour guides. "Dad!" Jake tried to stop his dad from embarrassing us, but Mr. Portman brushed him off, "I got this." He said, as he walked closer to the group. I noticed that they were all smoking and most of them were already laughing at us. "I was just wondering if any of you guys wanted to take my son and his friend, here, to the other side of the island?" I noticed that Mr. Portman was holding a wad of cash. So now we're bribing kids? Wow.

"So what are your names?"

    Jake was trying to make small talk with the two guys that had agreed with Mr. Portman's 'proposal'. They were making me uncomfortable, but every stranger makes me uncomfortable, so it wasn't strange. "I'm Worm, and this is MC Dirty D." One of them spoke with a thick accent that I couldn't place, but the other quickly spoke up, "MC Dirty Business!" I was utterly confused. I looked at Jake, who was already looking at me with wide eyes. "I thought you changed that!" Worm exclaimed from beside me. I subtly moved closer to Jake as the two guys got louder. "No." MC whoever-the-hell was avid about proving he didn't change his name. "No, you did, remember? When Lou said MC Dirty Business sounded like you cracked your trousers." I laughed a bit as Worm said that. I was thinking the same thing. "Yeah, but she said Dirty D. sounded like a hygiene problem." I nodded when the other kid said this. "I think they both sound terrible." I said out loud. Jake quickly stepped in before either of the other boys could say anything, "So are those nicknames or," Jake didn't finish his sentence to let the others fill in the blank. "Stage names. We're the sickest rappers in here in Wales." They seemed pretty full of themselves. I wasn't particularly paying attention, but I was willing to roast them. "Yeah sick as in delusional." Jake let out an exhale that sounded a bit like a laugh, "Come on Worm, lets show these shanks how it's done."

"Should we take the shortcut, D.?"

    After the torture that was their rapping, we had ended up at a bog. The two pricks suggested that we walk through the bog to get to the Children's home. "Are you serious?" I ask, "These are my favorite boots!" I was really mad, because I didn't want to get these shoes dirty. "Yeah, well I'm sure your precious boots will be fine." Worm laughed as he gestured toward my boots. "Is this even the way to the children's home?" Jake had a feeling that the kids were just screwing with us, and I agreed.

"Yeah it's just past those trees."

    Jake and I had just gotten back to the hotel. The house was totally destroyed and Jake didn't even want to go in and investigate. "No use crying over a lost shoe, boy." I jumped in surprise as Uncle Oggie spoke from some corner of the lobby. I looked down to see that Jake had, indeed lost a shoe. "The children's home, what happened to it?" Jake was a bit breathless because of the running that we did, but got his sentence out clearly. "The German navy bombed. Fell right on the roof." The man was looking past everything, as if he was seeing the exact moment that he was speaking of,

"September 3rd, 1943."

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