A Bad Case of the Heebie-Jeebies

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    I finally cleared my head enough to walk over to Jacob, or Jake as he prefers.

  "Hey, didn't know you needed diapers." He jumped when I started speaking, but rolled his eyes when he saw it was only me.

    "Shut up and help me pick these up." He was still stacking them back into order and was trying to figure out whether the ones that he had in his hand were large, or extra large.

  "Okay, fine Mister Asshole To His Only Friend," I started to pick up the remaining packages and help him organize the stack he was making, when his manager, Shelley, came shuffling over.

    "Hey, your grandfather's on the phone. sounds pretty panicked," Jake and I look at each other. the look on his face says 'do I have to?' while the look on my face probably says 'what if something's wrong?' Jake sighs and walks over to Shelley.

  "You talk to Abe, I'll do your job," I tell him as I reach down to finish up the stack of diapers. Jake turns and sticks his tongue out at me before walking away. I laugh, he is ridiculous sometimes. After I finish the stack, I head into the snack section looking for something to munch. I found some salt and vinegar chips that were only a dollar. I ravaged my pockets and found a dollar and seventy-five cents! Bless these cheap prices! I headed to the self check out and bought the chips. Just as I was opening them, Jake came back over to me in a huff. "What's the matter with you?" I asked.

    "I have to go check on my grandpa. He's acting crazy, saying stuff like 'They've come to get him'. You wanna come?" He was tapping his fingers against his thigh, something he did when he was anxious.

  "No, but I came here to hang out with you, and hang out we shall!" I exclaimed as I walk toward the automatic doors of the small store.

    "Shelley's gonna drive us," Jake said, lowly as if he hoped I hadn't heard.

  "Aw man, can't we just walk?" I knew that would be dumb, but I don't really know Shelley, and I'm not too keen on awkward conversations right now.

    "You know that would be stupid, let just suffer through, okay? Now hurry up, I probably shouldn't leave grandpa alone for too long," Jake walked off and got into Shelley's car, but I stood stunned. The image of Abe's body dead on the ground crowded my vision again. I shook my head and slowly walked to the car. Once I got in I buckled my seat belt and opened my chips. I could barely eat them as Abe's empty eye sockets stared at me from the darkness of my mind. "Hey, you okay, Is?" Jack looked back at me from the front seat, his voice launching me into reality. I now realize that it had started to get dark.

  "Yeah, I'm sorry," I tried to play it off with a smile. He narrowed his eyes at me but changed the subject anyways.

    "So anyway, grandpa called again, while you were zoned out. He said he needed his gun. You know the one my dad locked up?" I nodded in understanding. I remember that: his dad had to practically sneak the gun out of the house. "Well my grandpa said that he needed it to fight them off-" Jake was cut off by the car swerving. I looked to see what Shelley was avoiding, only to see a guy with white eyes staring back at me. A cold sweat ran up my spine as I suddenly saw him levitating off the ground, he went rigid and then limp as he fell to the ground. The room seemed like some kind of cell and sunlight came in through small windows in the ceiling. I looked around and saw two people I didn't know, and Jake. I shook my head and I was back in the car.

  "Man, that guy gave me a bad case of the heebie-jeebies," Shelley said with a shudder. I whisper I response soon after,

    "Yeah, no kidding."

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