The Children

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    Miss Peregrine explained that her kind was charged with the care of the young. I nodded along with her explanations as she led us along the outside of the house.

  "And no one ever gets older?" Jake asked her. She placed her hands in her blazer pockets and gave a solemn smile,

    "It's best for everyone this way, I assure you," She paused as we finally entered the grand garden. Children of all ages were playing games and laughing with each other, I couldn't help but smile. "Every Ymbryne commits herself to the creation and upkeep of a place like this, a home for peculiar children," We walked further into the garden and Miss Peregrine started to introduce us to the children, "You've met the twins," She said as she walked up to the young children. They gave us a short chirp as a greeting before fighting over a teddy bear. Peregrine took the bear and split it in half, as if it were a pastry, and gave it back to the children. A little girl with ringlets strewn about her head ran up to us, "This is Claire," After Miss Peregrine introduced her I gave her a small wave just before she scampered off with the twins.

  "Millard, pass the ball!" I heard a boy say. I looked over to see Millard playing soccer with another boy.

    "Millard you've met," Miss Peregrine kept leading us through the garden, "And that's Hugh," She pointed to the boy who was playing with Millard. Hugh paused and opened his mouth widely letting dozens of bees emerge. They attacked Millard, giving Hugh a chance to steal the soccer ball. I let out a chuckle as the two started to argue. They then called for their referee to settle the dispute.

  "If you two can't play without squabbling, I wish you wouldn't play at all," An older boy spoke in an annoyed tone as he tried to move away from them.

    "Good afternoon, I'm Horace. Delighted to meet you, we sorely needed some new blood here," Horace said as he walked up to us. He shook Jake's hand politely, he then grabbed mine and gently raised it to his lips. I gave an awkward smile and elbowed Jake as he snorted beside me. "Super shirt by the way," Horace told Jake as he walked away.

  "What a gentleman," Jake whispered to me in a mocking tone as we walked away.

  "Shut up, he was trying to be polite," I rolled my eyes as he continued to snicker.

"You know Emma, of course. And I think that's everyone," Miss Peregrine said as we happened upon Emma. She was standing next to a tree and holding a large rope.

    "Didn't Bronwyn have a brother?" Jake asked. Tension arose as Miss Peregrine answered quickly,

  "Yes, Victor's upstairs. Wait, where did Enoch and Olive go?" Emma scoffed and shook her head,

    "Heaven knows, Enoch's been off ever since we went to look for these two," Before the conversation could continue, Fiona came running toward Miss Peregrine,

  "Miss Peregrine, there's a policeman at the door, he says it's about the pub!" Miss Peregrine turned to Emma with a stern look,

  "We will discuss this later Emma," As Miss Peregrine started to walk away, I decided to say something,

  "It wasn't all their fault," I said. Miss Peregrine stopped walking and her stern gaze landed on me. I started to fidget, looking for something to say when Jake stepped in,

    "Honestly, they were just trying to help," Jake said. Miss Peregrine smirked before leaving us with Emma.

  "Thanks, you two aren't as bad as I thought," She told us. I furrowed my eyebrows and tilted my head, but said nothing.

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