Meeting Miss Peregrine

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    Emma drove the carriage on toward a new destination. Jake sat next to me, laughing with glee,

  "I can't believe you're real, you're all real!" He was looking at each of the children with wide eyes, I could see Emma roll her eyes and sigh,

    "We've been trying to tell you," She looked at him over her shoulder before looking back at the path. Jake let out a breathy laugh, 

  "But I'm special too!" He exclaimed. I looked at him with furrowed eyebrows, as did Olive.

    "What?" I asked I hope he didn't mean what Millard did in the pub.

  "In the pub, all of you saw it right?" Jacob was excitedly moving his hands around and looking among me and Olive and Emma. Of course, that's what he was talking about. "Everything was flying and breaking. And that was me!" I shook my head and facepalmed. I felt movement beside me and moved over slightly since I knew exactly who it was. 

"No, that was me," Millard spoke from beside me, though I couldn't see him.

    "Oh," Jake's voice had lost some of its excitement, "Millard?" He asked.

  "Yeah," Millard confirmed.

    "Are you naked?" Jake asked in a confused tone.

  "Yeah," Millard replied. I giggled as Emma reached down and grabbed something before slinging it back into my lap. They were clothes. They started to move toward Millard, so I assumed he was picking them up. As Millard started to get dressed, I asked the question that had been burning on my tongue since this whole fiasco started,

    "How are you alive? A bomb dropped on you guys in 1943," I asked. Jake nodded at me and turned to look at Emma,

  "It is 1943," Olive answered instead, making us look at her in confusion.

"September 3, 1943, all day, every day," Emma pipped up in a bored tone. "It's our loop," She told us. I would've asked more questions, but something caught my eye. It was the children's home peaking through the trees, yet it was completely intact. It was so bright and full of life with a lively garden and a beach view.

    "Wow!" I whispered. As we came upon the dirt driveway. I looked over at Jake who looked at me with a smile. This was definitely going to be an adventure.


    The children led us up to the wooden stairs and just before we could open the wooden door, A tall, slender woman with blue-black hair swung open the door. I stepped back in surprise as the woman smiled brightly, her teeth slightly yellowed and firmly clenched around a tobacco pipe.

  "Right on time," she said, her large ocean eyes gleaming, "Miss Peregrine, delighted to meet you both," Miss Peregrine reached her hand out for Jake to shake then shook mine.  I nodded toward her and shot her a smile of my own. The bird-like woman then turned toward Emma and her gaze hardened. "I do hope I'm not going to have the pub landlord knocking on my door with the police again. I've had to kill them twice this month, it's been terribly inconvenient," 

    "We may have broken a few things, that's all," Emma responded, guiltily. She paused as the other children shuffled under Miss Peregrine's suspicious gaze, "And Olive may have started a tiny fire. But they were going to hurt Jake and Amaris!" Emma finished as she pushed herself and the others through the door. Miss Peregrine sighed before returning her kind gaze to Jake and me.

  "Jake, Amaris, look at you two! The last time dear Abe sent me a photograph you were just tiny tots," She smiled before waving us in, "Don't you stand there, come in. Your tea is getting cold," Jake and I were pulled inside and led toward what I can only assume is the kitchen.

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