Déjà Vu

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    We arrived at Abe's house just as darkness had settled over the retirement neighborhood. Jake and I got out of the car, I with my chips and he with his house key.

  "I'll be here in the car. Holler if you need anything," Shelley told us. I gave her a nod as Jake and I headed to the front door. First, Jake knocked on the door, trying to see if Abe was able to come and open it. There was an eerie silence in the place of the older man's normal, 'Hold on, I'm comin', I'm comin'!' so Jake decided to open the door. He fumbled with his key before finally jiggling the lock and opening it. I rolled my eyes and ate my chips,

    "Is it that hard to unlock a door?" I said as I pushed him, lightly, out of the way in order to walk in first. I wish I hadn't walked in at all. The room was dark, and papers, pictures, and books were scatted everywhere. The sofa was amiss, and the desk was messed up. I sat my chips on a chair and moved into the kitchen with Jacob close by my side. "What do you think happened?" I asked as I looked at the screen door, which led to the back yard. The door was opened, but the screen itself was torn. Scratches bathed the walls, and a feeling of dread had settled upon the room.

  "Shelley!" Jake yelled as he moved into the back yard. I guess he chose to ignore my question, which is fine since I wasn't really looking for an answer. Shelley came running around the corner,

    "What- oh my god. What happened here?" She was just as stunned as we were,

  "I think someone broke in," Jake said, in a spacey tone. I looked at him with wide eyes. If this is breaking in I think the burglar overdid the 'breaking'.

    "You two wait here, I've got a 38 in my car!" Shelley ran back to her car and disappeared from our sight. I continued to look around, when I noticed a flashlight on the ground, pointing off into the woods. I walked over and picked it up.

  "That's grandpas. Maybe he's out there!" Jake got anxious about his grandpa being in the woods alone, but I was hesitant.

    "Maybe we should wait until Shelley gets back. Then we can call the police," I said, not wanting to wander off into the dark woods.

  "But, Is, what if my grandpa is hurt?" Jake was eager to look for Abe, and I wasn't gonna let him go alone.

    "Fine, but if we die in these woods, it's your fault," I tell him as I flip the switch on the flashlight. The light illuminates sections of trees as we trudge through the thicket. Some of this is starting to look familiar to me, despite the fact that I've never been back here. "Are you starting to get a sense of déjà vu?" I asked Jake as I hopped over a log.

  "What? No, but I think I see something over there, give me the light," He brushed off my question and ran over to where he pointed. When I reached him, I froze. I saw Abe laying on his back almost lifeless, his eyes torn from their sockets. My vision had come true yet again. I felt sick and light-headed, a taste of iron settled over my tongue and I was ready to pass out, but Abe had started to speak.

    "Find Emerson, the postcard-" Jake cut him off by telling someone on the phone where we were. I hadn't even noticed he was on the phone. "September 3, 1943," Abe rasped out, Jake was frantic and seemed to brush off what was said, but I soaked it in, just in case it really was important.

  "It's okay Grandpa, just don't move," Jake's voice was filled with dread to the point where it was unrecognizable.

    "I know you think I'm crazy, but the Bird will explain everything to both of you," Abe struggled to speak as the sentence carried on. How did he know I was here? I walked closer and knelt down beside Jake. Jake looked at me briefly and then back at his grandpa. "Will you do this for me, Tygrysco, Amaris?" Jake's eyes widened and filled with tears at the sound of his childhood nickname. "Promise me?" Abe grabbed a tighter hold of Jake's hand. I swallowed the lump in my throat and mumbled a small,

  "Of course, Abe." while Jake whimpered out,

    "I promise, yes." Abe nodded slightly,

  "I thought I could protect you, I should have told you two, years ago," Abe breathed out these words as the last bit of color drained from his cheeks. His hand slipped from Jake's and fell onto the ground.

    "Tell us what? Grandpa!" Jake tried to shake Abe back to life, but I pulled him away. He pulled me into a hug, which I returned. Suddenly, several twigs and branches started to snap behind me. I quickly let go of Jake and turned around. I saw nothing, but Jake pulled me away from that area anyway. The trees started to bend and then break. Jake started to back away, so I did the same. His eyes were trained on whatever was there because clearly, he could see it.

  "What do you see?" I asked him quietly.

    "You mean you can't?" He said in a worried tone. Shelley suddenly appeared from the same direction as the creature, "Shelley, behind you!" Jake and I yelled. Shelley started to shoot in what looked like random directions. The trees bent back and a screech sounded through my head, but then, silence. "There was no one there," Shelley said with a confused look on her face. Jake and I looked at each other and then back at Shelley with wide eyes. We can't have hallucinated the same thing, especially since I didn't actually see it. So what is going on, and what did Abe hide from us?

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