Unwanted Surprise

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    It's been a month since Abe was killed. Things have gone downhill quite fast. First, we told our parents about the bending trees and the giant monster that only Jake could really see, then I told them about my visions. They thought that we were crazy. Jake and I made a pact to never doubt each other, because our parents, sure as hell, aren't gonna believe us anytime soon. Our parents decided to take us to therapy. Jake and I saw the same therapist, and after one session for each of us, the woman decided that we should have our sessions together rather than alone. I'm a bit suspicious of her, as I am with all false blondes, but I cooperated and answered her questions.

  "May I say, Jake, Amaris, considering that this was only a month ago, I think you're doing exceptionally well," Dr. Golan had just finished writing something down and was now looking kindly upon both of us.

    "Apart from being crazy?" Jake quipped. I slapped his arm,

  "I know I'm not crazy," The older woman nodded,

    "Having nightmares and anxiety does not make you crazy,"

  "And what about seeing things that weren't there?" Jake was quick to come back at Dr. Golan and I with his own statement, but Dr. Golan remained calm,

    "Actually, in a dramatic situation, it's not at all uncommon. The mind draws images from a movie or a book..." Dr. Golan trailed off, waiting for one of us to fill in the blank.

  "It was a story," Jake answered, solemnly. I patted his back gently, and he continued,

    "My grandpa used to tell me stories when I was a kid, about monsters that he fought in the war," Dr. Golan gestured toward Jake,

  "So there you go. He was brutally attacked, and in your mind, the man who did it was inhuman. A monster," I shook my head,

    "It wasn't a man though. The cops said that dogs scratched the screen door, and he chased them off into the woods," I said as I readjusted my position on the stiff couch. "The coroner said he had a heart attack. And the cops said that dogs go for the soft parts." I continued with glances in Jake's direction.

  "Yeah, they DNA tested his wounds; they had traces of animal DNA," Jake finished for me. He had started to wring his hands and was tapping his foot.

    "So that's case closed," Dr. Golan leaned her clasped hands on her knees and spoke directly to Jake, "He sounds like an extraordinary gentleman, Were you close?" She asks him. I moved my hand from Jake's back and clasped his hand, gently. He explained how Abe used to babysit him when he was really little, and once Jake met me, Abe would babysit both of us, and tell us stories of far off places. Places, in which, people were unique and never grew old. When Jake and I were younger, we believed these stories, but, in fifth grade, Jake told the class about these stories, and the class laughed. I was his only friend for the rest of the year. Shortly after Jake told that story, we were dismissed. My mom picked me up, surprisingly, and I said a short goodbye to Jake and his mom, who was having a heated conversation on the phone. Both Jake and I rolled our eyes. I waved at him and then left with my mother. As soon as I got in the car, she ambushed me with questions about my session.

  "So what did you talk about? Did she figure out what's wrong with you?" She looked back and forth between me and the road with a concerned look on her face. I was unfazed by her words; I genuinely believe that she means well, but she just doesn't know how to put her feelings into proper behavior.

    "I can't tell you, Mama. And she said that there's nothing wrong with me, everything I experienced was normal for the situation," I stared out the window in boredom, as my mom sang along badly to the songs on the radio. We entered Jake's neighborhood and I got super confused. "Why are we here?" I asked as we pulled up to Jake's house, which had a ton of cars in the driveway.

  "Jake's birthday, hija. His parents are throwing him a surprise party," She explained as she got out of the car. I got out and walked around to her side. As she struggled to grab the gift, which sat on the other side of the very back of the truck, I questioned her,

    "Okay, but why was it a surprise to me?" I put my hand on my hip and waited patiently for an answer.

  "Because you would've told him," Is all she said as she closed and locked the door and walked past me.

    "Well yeah, cause he's gonna hate this," I mutter to myself as I follow after her. I see her about to knock but I stop her. "Watch and learn, Mama," I tell her as I simply walk in. Mama rolled her eyes at me and muttered something about being polite, but I didn't care. I looked around and saw all of the family and decorations and I thought to myself, 'Yeah, Jake's definitely going to hate this.'

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