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    "Here, this one should fit, and it goes with your eyes," When we got to the attic, Emma handed me a navy blue dress and a black belt. I nodded and turned toward the folding screen, but Emma stopped me, "I also notice that you didn't have proper shoes, so I guessed your size," She handed me a pair of shiny black flats before turning to help Jake. I walked behind the folding screen and started to shimmy out of my jeans and my sweater. While I was changing I heard Emma and Jake talking about Abe, though it didn't seem as though Emma liked the topic. I could hear her leave after an abrupt end to the conversation. I finished getting dressed, well, mostly, and put the slightly too big shoes on. My only trouble was that I couldn't reach the buttons on the back of the dress.

  "Jake?" I called out.

    "Yeah?" He answered. I could hear him walk over to the screen. I stepped out and turned around pointing to the buttons,

  "Could you button me up?" I heard Jake sigh as I moved my hair out of the way.

    "I have to do everything for you, I swear," He said with a chuckle. I reached around and smacked him but I didn't deny it.

  "You love your little sister," I said. He didn't respond but he pushed me away slightly. I let my hair fall and turned around. "Alright, let's go eat!"


    When we entered the dining room, all eyes were on us. I felt a bit uncomfortable but I tried not to show it as I looked for an empty chair.

  "You can sit by me, Amaris!" I looked over to see Claire patting an empty chair next to hers. I looked at Jake before making my way over to her, my dress swishing as I walked. Once I was settled, I watched as Jake tried to sit in a seemingly empty chair, only to shoot straight up again,

    "Hey! What are you doing?" Millard asked. I giggled as did several of the other children when Jake tried to stutter out a response.

  "Millard, go and put some clothes on. Polite persons do not take their supper in the nude," Miss Peregrine said in a matter-of-fact way as she put some food on her plate. Milardgot up and left, hopefully in search of clothes, while Jake sat down next to Emma.

    "You can sit here Jake," Olive tried to say just as Jake settled into his chair, but he glanced at Enoch and decided to stay in his spot. I too looked at Enoch to find him glaring at Jake.

  "Look at Enoch, he's jealous," Horace said, making the children laugh. However, Enoch was quick to defend himself,

    "Why would I be jealous?" He said, leaning in toward the table, "Olive could go marry Jake for all I care,"

  "Don't be mean, Enoch, she doesn't want to. She's just excited to have visitors," Fiona reasoned. Enoch sat back in his chair, permanently disgruntled. I scoffed as I watched the childish scene unfold. Possessive was right.

    "Nobody is marrying anybody, now, eat your food before it gets cold," Miss Peregrine once again ended the whispers as we all started to eat. Hugh opened his mouth and, immediately, bees started to swarm the table. I nearly jumped out of my skin in surprise, which happened to amuse Enoch.

  "Hugh!" Olive exclaimed in annoyance. Everyone was swatting at the insects as Hugh reached for something,

    "Hugh, where's your net?" Emma asked just as Hugh put a beekeeper's hat on and inhaled all of his bees.

  "It must be strange for you two; Jake's meeting his grandfather's friends and you're both visiting another century!" Fiona started a new conversation as we ate our dinner, I nodded along politely as the children got excited,

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