Chapter 4

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I was chained to a pole in the basement now. Sarah had moved me from the chair a week ago.

I had to clean up my mess before she let me have any water, though.

My stomach growls, again. I haven't been feed sense then either. Picking at my chained foot, I sigh.

How do I show her I'm sorry? How do I show her that I regret my mistake and won't do it again.

Beep beep beep

Three beeps: it's time to work out. Sarah will know if I don't. She always knows.

I start with abs. Sit ups, V-ups, crunch, sail boats, and planks. After that was upper body, mostly consisting of push-ups.

My body burned and protested, but I knew better than to stop. Being soar is much better than being beaten or raped.

After half an hour, my throat was dry. It was dry before the work out, but now that I have been sweeting, it's horrific.

Beep beep beep

Times up!

I'm done!

I'm aloud to stop working out. Collapsing on the floor felt really nice. I, for once, was great full for the cold basement.

It didn't take long before I fell asleep. My energy was too low to stay awake.


I woke up to the sound of Sarah talking, "You stink! Follow me, up stairs, it's shower time!"

I don't like her shower time. Sarah always "helps". No matter how clean I  am, she'll always find a way to clean me more.

Once we reach the bathroom tears start to fall, I don't want to bathe. Sarah starts to run the water while I wipe my tears away.

She like to make the water cold, saying how I'm a waste of warm water.

"Hop in," she commands.

I didn't even have to get undressed because I wasn't wearing anything, except for my collar.

Sitting down in the bathtub was hard, but Sarah helped me by pushing me. She's very helpful.

I grabbed the soap as she sat on the toilet seat to watch me. She always watches me bathe, just to make sure I do it right.

"I-I'm sorry a-about l-last w-week. I'll try to be b-better fo-for you, my-my love." I speak quietly, my head facing down to show my submission. I'm not sure if I'm studding from fear or cold.

She's doesn't say anything.

Did I mess up that badly. Maybe I should try again. No! She doesn't want to listen to me right now, I should be quiet and try again later.

But, what if she didn't hear me? I should try again.

My mind was in panic mode, trying to come up with a solution to my problem.

I picked up my razor to shave my armpit hairs when Sarah screamed. "DROP IT!"

I immediately dropped the razor into the water. Fear being my only emotion.

"S-sorry, i-i-..." I studdered out, having no clue what to say.

Sarah stood up from the toilet and kneeled down next to the tub. Reaching into the, now dirty, water in search of the razor.

The first thing she grabbed wasn't the razor, it was my balls. I automatically went hard, something my body does whenever touched in a sexual place. It does that because of the beating I would get for not being hard.

"Mmm... P-please, n-not now," I pleaded pathiticly.

Everything I do is pathic.

"Found it!" Sarah sqeeled excitedly.

She looked up at my face and her smile fell. "I thought you knew how to clean yourself. Pass me the soap." Sarah said.

I handed her my soap and she started to rub my skin until it was red. She put soap everywhere on me: my face, arms, abs, butt, butt hole, cock, legs and feet.

"Open your mouth," she said.

Once I did she stuffed the soap bar into my mouth. "This is punishment for speaking with out permission. Now lean back, I'm going to wash your hair."

I layed back into the tub, soap in mouth, while Sarah roughly cleaned my hair. She knew what she was doing, purposefully getting some in my eyes.

I softly whimpered but, didn't speak. The soap tastes really bad. I thought sadly.

Once she was done with my hair she allowed me to spit out the soap.

I started coughing, alot. Sarah just glared at me until I finished.

"I'll give you thirty seconds to drink the bath water, or you can have some clean water tonight after dinner. Whitch do you want?"

Im sooo thirsty.

"M-May I d-drink some now, m-my
l-love?" I asked quietly.

With one nod of her head I started drinking. Sarah was true to her word and gave me exactly thirty seconds. Then she unplugged the drain and started walking.

Once out of the bathroom, she lead me to the living room. In the room sat Amy.

I immediately covered my cock, embressed about being naked in front of her.

"Hands!" Sarah yelled.

I stared at Amy, " b-but, m-my l-love"

I was cut off by the shock of my collar, I fell to the ground shaking.


The shocking stopped, but only after I uncovered my cock.

I got on my knees and started at the floor, "I'm s-so s-sorry, m-my love."

"Now apologize to Amy. "

I turn so I'm facing Amy, "I'm so  s-sorry ma'am."

"What are you sorry for?" Amy asks.

I don't know! Sarah told me to apologize and that's what I'm doing! I don't know what I did.

"I'm s-sorry for - for not - I'm sorry for blocking my cock with my h-hands?"

Sweat is pouring down the sides of my head, what if I answered wrong? What if - what if this was a test and I failed.

"Come here," Sarah said. Once I was in front of her, she pulled me down on my hands and knees and used me as a foot rest.

"We're gonna have so much fun!"

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