Chapter 5 - Where the f**k have you been?

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Emmeline's POV

"Thank you so much Elmer! That was the nicest thing anyone's ever done for me." I said as he walked me home from the deli.

"You had better leave me here. My parents can't find out about this." I said looking him in the eyes. He could tell that I was very serious about this and he gave me a hug, said goodbye and left me in Jay Street. That whole day, I hadn't told him the real reason I was out and I hadn't told him the reason he had to leave me at the top of the street. I didn't trust him enough yet. But apart from that, we had become quite good friends.

Elmer's POV

I left her at the top of Jay Street and watched her walk down the street until she stopped in front of a house. I couldn't really make out the number but I saw her take a deep breath in and steady herself before walking in with her head lowered. I just wanted to make sure she was safe, that's all.

I stayed there for about 5 minutes to make sure nothing happened, and once it seemed like everything was fine, I made my way back to the Lodging House. Little did I know, Race, Albert, Jojo, Crutchie and Romeo had taken it upon themselves to tell every Newsie in Manhattan about me talking to Em; and as soon as I stepped inside the Lodging House, I was instantly surrounded by a horde of boys wanting to know what happened between us.

"Hey Elmer! Is it true you've got a goil?"

"What's she like, huh?"

"Is she pretty?"

"What's her name?"

"Would we know her?"

They were just some of the questions thrown at me from all angles. Until the front door that I was leaning on, opened quickly and I fell forwards onto someone as Jack, Crutchie and Race came into the Lodging House.

Emmeline's POV

I took a deep breath in, hung my head slightly as I put my hand in my pocket to feel how much money I had, and walked into the house. Only to see my parents sitting at the old, wooden table in the middle of the kitchen area. They looked like they were talking about something as they stopped speaking as soon as I walked in.

"Where the fuck have you been?" My father shouted as he got up angrily from the table. I flinched away slightly; then a man, well, boy a few years older than me burst through the door.

"Don't do anything yet! There's a boy outside. At the top of the street, he walked her here. Give it 5 minutes. He'll be gone soon." He said hurriedly. Like a flash, my father grabbed onto my arm with one hand and slapped the other hand over my mouth. I struggled to get away from him but he held onto me tightly.

I tried to bit his hand over my mouth, but he was holding me too tightly. He was strong and he picked me up; he started to walk to the door to the cellar and once I realised where he was taking me, I stared to kick my legs and wriggled even more.

Just as he reached the door, he put me down, threw open the door, slapped me hard across the face and pushed me down the stone steps.

"Where the fuck were you today? Huh!" My father yelled, when I hit the floor with a thud.

I didn't say anything, but I closed my eyes to hold back tears.

"Answer me now, you little shit!" He yelled in my face.

"I was out making money. Just like you told me." I replied quietly, opening my eyes again.

"Well, I have it on good authority that you were out with a Newsie all fucking day!" He yelled. I reached into the pocket of my trousers. They were still slightly wet from my little swim in the Brooklyn Docks.

I grabbed onto the coins and showed them to him. My hand shaking slightly. He snatched them out of my hand and counted them.

"You left here with two dimes and a quarter and you came back with 3 dollars. That's not enough. I would soak ya...but I'm in a good mood today. Lucky for ya."

He turned round, and walked back up the steps. His steel-capped boots clicking on the stone.

The last thing I saw and heard that night was the big, heavy doors closing with a crunch and all visible light obscured.

Elmer's POV

"OK GUYS!! SHUT IT!" I yelled over all the questions. "Fine. Her name's Emmeline. She has red hair and, yes, she is really pretty." I went a bit red at the last part and all the boys laughed at me. Well, everyone but Mush. That kid can get really weird sometimes!

After all the chatter died down, I escaped to the relative safety of the dorm to count how much I had made that day. I counted far fewer coins than I thought I had. Then I realised that Emmeline had stolen from me. She had taken a good half of my earnings. She was a goddamn pickpocket. I should've known better.

That night I layed in bed and I was trying to work out why she stole from me. I was so confused. Confused. Angry. Sorry for her. And another weird feeling that I couldn't quite work out what it was.

"Hey Elmer. You alright?" Buttons asked me. He sat down on my bed and looked at me.

"Yeah. I'se fine. Some kid stole some of my money, but I'se fine."

"That don't sound fine." He replied.

"I'SE. FINE. BUTTONS." I said, gritting my teeth. I was tired, angry, confused and just wanted to sleep.

He got off my bed, looking slightly offended, but didn't say anything. The last thing I saw that day was Mush walking up to Buttons, looking worried.

Emmeline's POV

I felt really bad, about stealing from Elmer. But I had to. He wouldn't understand.

A/N I am sorry that I haven't uploaded ANYTHING in ages :(

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