Chapter 19 - Smalls told us...

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A/N SO, I hope you guys saw the teaser (?) for my WIP 'New York Bound ~ Newsies', if not please go check it out <3 I hope you enjoy this chapter!

TW: Non-graphic descriptions of abuse, wayyyyy to much dialogue

Em's POV (Ginger)

"Look, Elmer...I'm in no ways proud of what I had to do and I've never forgiven myself." It's true and I felt bad about it for ages...I still do. "I wanted to come and find apologise. But I was worried ya'd hate me, or call the cops on me, or soak me or somethin'." 

I looked at his face and tried to work out what he was feelin'. But his face was blank, emotionless and impossible to read.

"Why did ya steal my money?" He said, his voice level and his face blank. I was dreadin' this question, but I knew it was comin' and there was no way to avoid it...

I steeled myself and remembered what I had promised myself. I promised myself that I would be more open with people I trust and love. Now's my chance to get rid of the secret that I've kept for years...

I quickly scanned the street to check if anyone was eavesdroppin'. I couldn't see anyone listenin' in.

" was my father...He..." I faltered slightly when Elmer looked at me expectantly...

"He b--" I stopped again, only for a second while I decided to not tell him the whole story. Not from the beginnin'. "He used to wake me up at sunrise to go out and make money. That's why I'm always up before ev'ryone else..."

"Ohhh, so that's why." He mumbled and nodded his head slightly. I blocked what he said out and continued.

"I would go to the Theatre District, y'know Midtown West?" He nodded. "Yea, I would find some rich people to steal off of...and I'd pick their pockets. I also learnt how to pick locks which my parents found out 'bout. One night, I came home in time and there was this man sittin' at the kitchen table."

"Wait, what do ya mean came home in time?"

"I was told, every mornin', what would happen if I stayed out past sunset or tried to run away..." I fell silent as a rich woman came and bought a pape off Elmer.

"Thank you ma'am." He doffed his cap as she walked away.

"I was beaten every time I came home late...and---"

"What would happen to Mush? Sorry, Nick?" He interrupted.

"Oh he was long gone by that time." I hung my head and I remembered that it was all my fault, what happened to Nick was all my fault...

I was waitin' for Elmer to speak again but he didn't...I was glad.

"Anyways, one night I came home and there was a strange man sittin' at my parents kitchen table. There was a piece of paper and a pen in the middle of the table, along with a stack of dollar bills." I paused to make sure Elmer was followin'. He nodded slowly.

"I couldn't make out what the paper said...cause I can't read." I looked up from the ground and saw the look on Elmer's face. It was not what I expected.

I'm not actually sure what I expected...maybe I though he would be shocked or surprised or disgusted...I don't really know what to think at the moment though...

"When I came into the kitchen, my father and the man stood up, shook hands and the money was divided between them. My father said that it was a please doin' business with the man and when I tried to get out, he stopped me."


"If ya let me finish you'll find out!" I snapped at him. I was gettin' a bit angry by now, what with him interruptin' every second sentence. "Sorry." I mumbled, then continued.

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