Chapter twenty two

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(Louis's P.O.V)

"How could she just disapear like that!? She was right behind us!" I screamed angrily, pulling at my hair in frustration. She had been right behind us! How had we not seen her go!? I couldnt understand how. It was driving me mad. I screamed again and dropped onto the curb beside Harry and Zayn. "Have I gone mad?" I asked with a groan, dropping my head onto Harry's shoulder. "Did I imagine her?" I muttered. "Of course not mate, unless your imagination is so strong that we could see her too." He teased. "Not funny Harold..." I mumbled, running my fingers through my hair as I sat up straight. "Where could she have gone? What happened? She was right behind us and then... POOF! Gone!" I rambled as my eyes searched around for her. "Calm down Lou. Don't work yourself up. She's just a girl. Sure, she's a vampire. But just a girl." Liam tried to reason. "Yeah, I guess you're right. I just can't help being worried about her. I don't know why..." I sighed. Eventually, we all piled into our car and drove back to the hotel.

Once we arrived back to our room, I began to pace once more. I couldn't for the life of me figure out how in the hell an entire girl could just disappear. It wasn't right. Something was wrong with the entire issue. I pulled at my hair before dropping onto the small couch that sat in the room. "Leeeeeeyum..." I moaned, staring over at the boy in question. "Yes?" He asked, looking up from his phone. "Have I gone crazy?" I asked, pouting at him. "No, but you're driving us all towards the asylum..." He retorted before smiling at me. "Not funny..." I muttered, curling into a ball as I continued pouting. I wanted to forget the blonde vampire. I wanted to leave this damned city. I wanted pizza. I wanted a lot of things, but the best I was going to get at this time was a bottle of water that Harry had thrown at me; still scared to come near me I assumed. "Mph..." I grunted, nodding in slight thanks as I fiddled with the cold bottle in my hands. "My arm hurts..." Niall whined, frowning at the controller in his lap as he tried to figure out how he was going to play the video game with one arm in a cast and sling. "Well you were the silly one who got his arm broken..." Zayn retorted, leaning over and shoving the blonde lightly. " 'm gonna go shower." I told the boys before standing up and leaving the room, heading for my own hotel room I ran my hands trough my hair once more. "Goddamn you Bell!" I muttered under my breath as I opened the door with the keycard and made my way into the messy room. My clothes were tossed everywhere, along with a few less dangerous weapons carelessly tossed onto the floor and tables. "I don't wanna clean..." I groaned, pouting at the mess I knew I'd have to pick up. I decided to do it after I showered, grabbing clean clothes and my toiletries as I headed for the bathroom.

Hey there peeps!!
I'm so sorry, I have been working on this for forever. I got a shit ton of writers block, plus a bunch of family issues & personal issues went down & so I had to give up writing for a while.
But I am back!!! Hopefully for good!! Sorry this chapter is awful & pretty much just filler but I am going to work on making the chapters better from here on out!!

Ciao xoxo

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 21, 2016 ⏰

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