Summer Days

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Like any summer day it was hot, but today it was like the pits of hell hot, well according to Marinette and Alya at least.

And like most days she was hanging out with Alya and since they were dying of heat stroke the two decided some ices would hopefully cool then down.

So there they sat the two girls in the middle of Marinette's room sitting crisscross-applesauce with their ices and faces pressed against a portable mini fan.

“Girl I don't know about you but I think I'm about to pass out from a heat stroke!”Ayla said letting out a soft chuckle. But then she had an idea.

“Hey, Mari how about we play Truth or Dare to distract us from the heat?”

“Sure that sounds like fun!” She exclaimed with a very unknowing
the smile on her face.

Little did she know Alya had something planned. And no it wasn't about Adrien, frankly, she was getting tired of hearing about him but hey Adrien Advice™ is kind of her full-time job now.

“Okay, the truth or dare. Al's?”

“Hmm. Dare!” Alya loved her best friend but her dares weren't that great so she wasn't worried.

Marinette on the other hand, however, was contemplating real hard on a possible dare she could give the literal queen of dares.

“Um... Do a lyric prank of  Stitches by Shawn Mendes on Nino... Yeah!” Marinette said.

“Okay great!”

*le magic time skip because I can*

So a couple of dares and confused Ninos later Alya decided to unleash the take it or leave it truth she had planned.

“So Truth right?”

“Great! So was there ever anyone you had a crush on before Adrien or were in a relationship with?” Alya questioned while wiggling her eyebrows.

“Uhh... N-No what nope totally wh-hat no one yeah. MY TURN!” Marinette yelled while fiddling with her hair awkwardly.

“Ah-a-a Marinette Dupain-Cheng story now.” This is was Alya was looking for.

“Ugh. Fine. So the summer before I met Adrien I was at sleep-away camp for a month.” Marinette mumbled in defeat.

“Ooh, a month? Tell me more, Tell me more, was it love at first sight?” Alya cooed excitedly.

“Anyways. So his name was- Actually I don't remember but I think he said he was named after someone or something like that. He was pretty tall had really messy jet black hair and sea green eyes.” Marinette said doing her best to remember this character that she so long ago forgot about.

“Did you keep his schedule like you do with Adrien? Or put his face all over your walls?” Alya interrupted once again knocking Marinette out of her semitrance.

“What No! Anyways do you want to hear the story or not!” Marinette exclaimed.

“Sorry. Sorry. Continue.”

“So yeah he was dreamy, he gave me a necklace that no I don't have anymore. He also asked me to be his girlfriend and no I didn't say yes, but we were still good friends and at the end of camp he ended up with some girl named Anna- something” Marinette finished saying letting out a heavy sigh.

“Wow! Why didn't you tell me about this sooner he seemed like a real something especially the fact that he asked you to be his girlfriend!”Alya exclaimed looking up at Marinette was now blushing.

“To be honest I kinda forgot about it and besides summer fling don't mean a thing but oh those summer nights were nice.” Marinette was daydreaming now. Which soon got interrupted by Ayla.

“Girl, did you just quote Grease?”
“What-No... Yeah.” Marinette sighed in defeat letting out a soft chuckle.

“Speaking of Grease want to do some Grease karaoke?”

“Way ahead of you! Last one downstairs is a rotten egg!” Marinette said running to get her head start.

Well as the summer days drift away let's hope our Marinette will enjoy those future summer nights.

*Oh ahh oo ooh aoohhhh *insert a high note here* Yeah!* I know summer is pretty much over. But hey, why not? I'm sorry for the update schedule but I had to go back to hell- I mean school 😂 Welp... That's all I have to say so...
            Until next time, Chat Nerd 💜

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