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“So you're telling me that in a class of over a dozen people no one can agree on what Ladybug and Chat Noir really look like?” Nino asked rather loudly pacing back and forth through the aisles of the classroom.

Marinette facepalmed, hitting her head against her desk, and groaned. Tikki was not kidding about her and Chat's identities being protected by magic.   

How did this start again?

The class had been ‘discussing’ the heroes of Paris twenty minutes ago and a whole riot started after someone made a statement about Ladybug's appearance.

The class had ended ten whole minutes ago.

And they were still there, but the teacher didn't mind because they were the last class of the day and he had better things to do, much to the disliking to Marinette who wanted to get out of there as soon as possible. But she couldn't because the girl she was supposed to go home with to finish their project happened to be one of the persistent few that was going to stay until she won the argument.     

She wished she could've just walked out like some of the other students but this didn't look like it was ending anytime soon.

“Well listen up losers!” Chloe yelled, “I, Chloe Bourgeois have been saved by her the most and have fought alongside her and I'm telling you that her hair is shoulder length, jet black, and just a tad wavy while in pigtails, no matter what Ms. Blogs-a-lot or Mr.DJ-Boy says!”

Marinette sighed for what felt like the fifteenth time in the last twenty minutes, how come all of Paris had photographic evidence of what her superhero persona looks like and still couldn't get her appearance through their heads? It's quite simple, midnight colored hair in pigtails with red ribbons, blue eyes, and, a suit and masks with a Ladybug print. Same for her partner, blonde guy, black skin-tight leather catsuit and entirely green eyes.

I wonder how he’d survive in this situation? Practically spilling his whole identity maybe? Nah he's better than that.

But, she knew with being Ladybug came to some rules and regulations which included protection of her identity which is where the annoying but useful magic came in.

Apparently according to Tikki although they all have a subconscious image of who she is and what she looks like after a while the image fades from their memory as if her visual presence was consumed into a fog. Despite that making no sense to her what so ever she went along with it. After all a year ago she thought superheroes weren't real and now she was one so how could she question anything at this point.

“You also said that she's taller than you so your opinion is worth nothing, after all as most of your claims, they're false,” Alya shouted back breaking Marinette's trance.

“Well, Ms. Blogger, all the people I like are taller than me.” Chloe retorted, she looked over at the blonde boy to her left. “Isn't that right Adrikins?”

“Please leave me out of this Chloe,” Adrien said. So far he was the only other person in the room who was as miserable about the class ‘discussion’ as Marinette. His head was being held up by his hand as his eyes stared at the door, looking as if he wanted to make a run for it, but he couldn't either because he and Nino were supposed to help out in the library and he wasn't leaving until his girlfriend did. Well, might as well stay the night.

But then again who wouldn't want to book it if they were in their situation, knowing the truth and not being able to justify anything for their own stake.

Marinette looked at him, daydreaming about their future life with three kids and hamster in an attempt to once again escape the never-ending class squabble.

What if we just ran away together?

“This is so stupid” Nino complained, “We have photos of the two, we should know exactly what they look like!”

Gosh, can they read minds?

Well, let's think of the logistics, there has to be of some form magical element that keeps from properly retaining the information that in a way might jeopardize their identities.” Max theorized, continuously looking up and down from his laptop as if he were trying to find an answer on the screen.

Calls of accurate and inaccurate claims and questions about the duo floated around the classroom of the few that were still there. Things such as “He's blonde right?” and “Does Ladybug have grey or green eyes? Or is that Chat?”

The group broke out into another round of shouting.

Would anyone care if she just walked out right now? Marinette considered walking out to go to the bathroom and then texting Alya to let her know where she went, but right as she was about to raise her hand she heard a short murmur coming from Adrien in front of her.

He had taken quite an interest in the comment that was made. Without looking up from whatever he was scribbling with his pen he said to himself;


Her breath got caught in her throat.

“Her eyes are blue.”

A short chapter, definitely not one I had planned to get published for this week but I felt like it was good, I got this idea from a sentence prompt on a Tumblr post, so no it is not my idea and I'm not taking credit for said idea but I thought it was cute, so hope you enjoyed! Btw I feel like I've been doing a lot of Adrienette so what ship do y'all wanna see next?
Until next time, Chat Nerd 💜

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