Very Bad Decisions & Valentine's

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I can't believe I just did that. Please tell me that didn't just happen. I think I've messed up big time. Well actually... No. Agreste, it was wrong. But then why did it feel so right? Look this is all too much to process. Let me start from the beginning.

Valentines came way too fast and I was not ready. Not ready to face Ladybug because I now knew about the kiss and today was the one year anniversary. Not ready to admit to myself if I confessed to Ladybug I'd be rejected. Not ready t- Look, I could go on and on for years on my love-hate relationship with this holiday, but I was also not ready for something else. School. Which starts in...

Holy Crap. TEN MINUTES!?

I grabbed my books, frantically shoving them in my bag and swung it over my shoulder. I raced out of my room only to run into Nathalie. There was no way she wasn't going to tell my father about this, if he hears I'm late surely he'll take me out of school, especially after my almost detention last week. As if he even really cared though, anyways back to Nathalie.

"Oh, I'm sorry Mr. Agreste. I was just about to tell you that I informed your school that you'd be running late." She said, definitely putting my mind at ease. She then looked me up and down with a puzzled look on her face. What? Was my shirt untucked? My hair not in its usual blonde perfection?

"Thank you, Nathalie. Oh and-"

Again! Okay, something must really be up with my appearance this morning. What? Did my home have a new dress code I wasn't aware of?

"Adrien. Um, Sir. I doubt you'll be able to go to school in pajamas."

What? Pajamas? I looked down and whaddya know. Limited Edition Ladybug PJ's. Sugar honey ice tea.

My cheeks were probably as red as the PJs that I was about to leave the house in. "Oh, um thanks. I'll be going to change now."

Back to my room. After I had successfully put on socially acceptable clothing because apparently, Ladybug pajamas aren't a fan favorite. I ran down the stairs to go to school for the second time today.

Turns out the rush was a waste of time. School was boring, and I couldn't shake the feeling that something was off about the bluenette who sat behind me in class.

Marinette wasn't as chipper and didn't speak at all during class. She didn't look sad, more so uncomfortable? I don't even think that's the right word to describe it. I guess out of place, just not her usual "Marinettey-ness" Yeah. I'll stick with that.

I think I was in English when I noticed it when she missed roll call. Sure that was normal for her but she just blatantly ignored it. She even ignored Alya when she tried to ask what was up with her. But then she hit a look of realization and patted her shoulder in an understanding manner.

It was then where I dramatically turned to my left to ask Nino if he knew what was up with her. Like did everyone know but me? What happened? "Hey, Nino what's up with Marinette? Is she okay?" I whispered so Ms. Bustier wouldn't hear.

He looked at me like I was stupid. What? I'm not stupid, occasionally dumb yes. But not stupid. He sighed and patted me on the shoulder.

Okay, clearly I missed something. Like I know I got here five minutes late but what the heck happened in five minutes?

"Adrien. Adrien. Adrien. I'm going to ask you a simple question, and you're gonna give me a simple answer got it?" He raised his eyebrows and nodded for me.


He breathed in deeply again and looked me in the eyes.

This better be worth the intense stare.

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