Red Ribbons

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"Give it back!" Marinette whined, glaring at Chat, who held her hair ribbons in his hands and was smiling widely. Why was he here again?

"I'll be your knight in shining leather tonight fair maiden," Chat said flexing his muscles, only to receive an eye roll in response.

"Oh really? And to what do I owe the pleasure?" She questioned him, raising an eyebrow.

"Why princess, Paris is extremely dangerous these days you know, akumas are getting worse by the battle and me being the amazing friend and savior I am, I came to protect you!" He leaned down to kiss her hand but she quickly took it away.

"Let me guess, you have nothing better to do, right?" She crossed her arms and looked up at him.

"Right you are, So what are we doing first?" He smiled sheepishly and popped himself right on her bed.

She facepalmed. "I honestly don't have enough energy to argue with you right now and I don't have much left to do either so you can stay" She sighed reluctantly at the sound of the boy's happy squeal.

Oh. Right. She actually didn't mind the cat as much as she seemed like she did, and she liked getting to see him and his dorky behaviors to the fullest, after all, it also gave her more fuel for her to fire at him as Ladybug, but she also got to see how acted with people who weren't Ladybug, at least, so he thought.

Nevertheless, there were downsides to this predicament-or in the words of Chat himself Purrdicament. Having to babysit Paris's superhero is quite the hassle especially if you're trying to do the last bit of that homework you don't understand one bit, but to be fair he tried to help. Sorta.

Now his idea of 'help' didn't match up to Marinette's, which explains the current stance. Chat dangling her hair ribbons in front of her face, and Marinette attempting to reach up for them.

"Hey! What was that for?" She pouted and crossed her arms, her annoyed eyes meeting his, which were full of glee.

He looked her up and down, still super happy because he was messing with her. If there was one thing he loved about Marinette was, for starters, the adorable pout she made whenever he'd mess around with her and push her buttons, and in the oddest way, it reminded him a bit of his partner. But in all actuality he was able to really be himself with her, sure he acted as his true self while being Chat Noir already, but this was different, he didn't have to impress her because she'd accept him either way and to him, and to know that, was one of the greatest things he had.

"You know, I've always wondered what you looked like with your hair down." He studied her as she shook her head back in forth in an attempt to let her hair down fully.

" He studied her as she shook her head back in forth in an attempt to let her hair down fully

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"Remind me why I let you stay again?" She questioned the boy once again, chuckling softly. She knew the answer but didn't want to admit it. She liked his company. What was so hard about saying that?

On the other side, however, now Chat was trying not to blush furiously, sure she was just a friend but he had to admit his mind was running circles because then he really thought about it. What would Ladybug look like with her hair down? And why she didn't let her hair down more often because she looked great? And why was he thinking this? If there was one thing him and Plagg could ever agree on was that girls are confusing.

"You should wear your hair like that more often, it suits you." Chat commented still playing with the hair ribbons he had in his hand.

"Thanks, you know you're not that bad, for a cat." She winked at him, and he just stared blankly back at her and a small, uneasy, half-hearted smile formed on his face.

He looked back down breaking their exchange, where he was, still holding on to her red hair ribbons clutched in his leather-gloved hands.

He then whispered something to himself, but loud enough so she could hear still not taking his eyes off the ribbons he caressed with his thumb.

"You think she thinks that too?"

She. Ladybug, of course, she thought that for she was Ladybug, but she couldn't tell him that, at least not yet.

"She-" She paused and breathed in, she for some reason, knew this was deeper than what Ladybug thought of his flirtatious puns and behaviors. He wanted to know if she even cared about him at all. And if he knew how much she did he wouldn't dare ask that question. "Listen, Chat, she cares about you, you're her other half, believe me, I know. She appreciates everything you do, everything, even the silly jokes, maybe she's taken you for granted-but I assure you that she cares about you, but maybe she's not..."

She trailed off, getting lost in her thoughts. The only reason she couldn't love him romantically was that she wasn't ready to let go of Adrien. She also wasn't ready to love him the way he loved her, and she'd never admit it but she was starting to despise that, after all, if she just looked at him, really looked at him she would see he was everything that she ever wanted. But alas alter-egos get in the way of everything and it would be a bit before she could look back at her feelings and laugh, but for now, she had to live in the mix of her feelings and wait for the day everything would just click.

He then finally spoke. "She's not what, Princess?" He said in the most genuine tone, completely interrupting her thoughts. Her head shook to the side as she sighed.

"Nothing Chaton, " She flashed a small smile at him and brushed off her thoughts and they both just sat in the silence, looking back at each other enjoying and finding comfort in their presence, it was an indescribable feeling, one that felt so close and yet so familiar.

Chat wanted to believe her, he really did, but something, a panging thought in the back of his head wouldn't let him, even though his heart told him she was right.

But like Marinette, for the two of them, someday, it would all make perfect sense. Every awkward situation that they over analyzed for no reason, every emotion that they questioned that changed the game and all the tears from the triumphs and the failures. The things that concerned them so much right now. It all would lead up to something, in which they would then on laugh at the confusion together, smile through the tears together, and remember who they used to be together. And only then they would truly understand that everything happens for a reason.

So there they sat, in a comfortable silence where words were obsolete, and this, the first of many was only the beginning. And who's to say it didn't all start with red ribbons?

Woohoo a Marichat chapter, I'm not that great with this ship because I was trying not to make it too cliche but hey first time for everything! Happy New Years Eve, I want to say thank you to you all who read these, your comments make my day and you made my year even more special! See Y'all in 2019! Welp wear your seatbelts and have a great day!
Until next time, Chat Nerd💜

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