A Thanks For Last Christmas

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Last Christmas. How could he forget? Was it him having a mental breakdown at midnight in the middle of Paris? His partner accidentally causing an Akuma? The impromptu musical? Was that what made it so memorable? Or was it the best part of all, all of his friends coming to spend Christmas with him? So how could Adrien Agreste properly thank the one who was responsible for it all?

The slim folded piece of paper read 'Marinette Dupain-Cheng' and he had finally realized why this Secret Santa thing was so hard. The whole class had put their names in the hat and drew names, and frankly, he was happy to get the blue-eyed girl who sat behind him in class something because there was no way he had thanked her enough for everything she did. And that was great and all except there was a slight dilemma.

He knew. He knew her secret, he knew she was Ladybug. He had found out a while ago and decided not to tell her and just wait until she was ready to reveal her identity because he knew how much she valued not telling anyone who she was.

But that only made it worse because now, he was madly in love with Marinette, well he always was, just didn't know it yet. He could barely even talk to her, especially since he knew that he liked her back, and now he had to get her a gift, and in the words of Alya: "You better not screw this up Agreste."

The brunette also told him he couldn't come crying to her for advice, and she shut Nino, who knew Marinette the longest, up too, temporarily forbidding him for telling him anything about the girl. So he was on his own.

"GAH. Plagg help! What do I get the secret love of my life?" Adrien said, throwing the pen he had been aggressively tapping for what felt like hours to the floor. He spun around in his white swivel chair to face his kwami, who as usual, was stuffing his face with Camembert.

"Secret? Yeah right? You know everyone knows you're head over heels in love with Ladybug-erm Marinette." Plagg teased, fake swooning over the Camembert, acting if it was Marinette.

Adrien rolled his eyes at the act, but his kwami wasn't lying, he was like he said head over heels for her, she was everything he had ever wanted. He was already crazy in love with Ladybug and was starting to grow feelings for Marinette, so how lucky was he to have them both as the same person?

Which brought the boy back to square one. What to get for such an amazing person?

"Okay! That's it. Look, Kid, I can't watch you drool over her and have a hormonal raging episode every five minutes. You can't think of what to get her? You know what you're gonna do? You're going to ask Ladybug," Plagg paused and flew close up to the blonde boy's face.

"Listen here you squirt, you're gonna 'ask Ladybug', you're gonna ask her what she'd hypothetically want to get from the love of her life for Christmas, ask her to be specific and say that it's for a friend. Boom, you have a gift and a possible reveal scenario, now chop-chop and transform to make it happen, my ship needs to sail, and it's almost time for patrol." Plagg exhaled, flipped his tiny body around and mumbled under his breath, "I rest my case."

Adrien was left in awe. No matter how much he hated to admit it, Plagg was a genius, and frankly, it was so simple how could have he not figured it out sooner?

"That may have been the smartest thing you've ever said, well maybe not the whole hormonal rage part but..." he trailed off chuckling, he had to love the little fella. "Thanks, wingman." He said rubbing Plagg's head, resulting in a purr.

"Forget this ever happened kid. Now, are you ready? Only two special words you know, " Plagg said annoyed looking to the side, crossing his little arms.

"Love you too, " He teased, even though he meant it, he was like his guidance counselor and father mixed in one and no matter how weird that sounded, he was thankful for it, but now he was ready, ready to find out what his lady wanted for Christmas and not chicken out in front of her.

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