It's Always Been You

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A/N; Start playing the video when I put this "" You can stop playing it when I put the star sign again :) (It's just to add to the mood)

I really tried not to fall in love with him, I really did. But Chat, I couldn't help it, no matter how much I love Adrien I had to admit to myself that, I've fallen for Chat Noir.

In all honesty, I never thought this would happen. But in the end, he's the one who has truly loved me since the beginning even if I didn't know it yet. The one who was always by my side. The one who cared enough to feel like he needs to protect me.

If only I could've read all those signs he put in front of me. In fact, for a long time, I didn't know what I was the heck I was feeling. I didn't know what my heart was trying to tell me. The battle between Adrien and Chat, it clouded my judgment. If just can't believe after all this time I never truly noticed, but then again love is blind.

And that's why our identity reveal happened last night. Was I planning on it? No not at all, not now at least. I wasn't ready for him to know. Despite Master Fu granting us permission to know, I couldn't tell him that. At first, I had been worried about our safety and things like that. That had always been my number one priority. But then I began to consider the "What If" possibility, what if he knew? Would he still see me the same way as his "Lady" or "Girl of his dreams" once he knew that I wasn't really all that under the mask, just a clumsy girl who has a crazy crush on Adrien Agreste and who happens to be half of Paris's famous crime-fighting duo?

So I decided not to let him know. Not until I was ready. Was that selfish of me? Yes. It was and not once did I consider his feelings. Not once did I mention us being allowed to reveal our identities. Of course, now he knew. Even though I never told him he also respected that, that wasn't my favorite subject. No matter how badly he wanted to talk about it. He'd stop himself for my sake. And I love him for that. Which made our "reveal" so much harder.

And this is how it happened.

We were fighting by far one of the worst Akumas we've fought yet. Her name was Devastator. She could use anything as her weapon no matter what it was because her main weapon, a staff, could shapeshift. But what made her different was that she could actually hurt people physically more so than emotionally. Apparently, she had been hurt from heartbreak which Hawkmoth took as an opportunity to get his next Akuma victim. The stronger the emotions the stronger the villain.

I had been so out of my game I flunked the chemistry pop-quiz because I missed so many lessons you know saving Paris every other day. I completely embarrassed myself in front of Adrien by nearly confessing my love to him in front of the whole class and to top it all off I forgot to help Alya at lunch with her English homework.

So I had quite a lot on my mind which didn't help at all. And I pushed through because a superhero can't get her personal life get in the way. And it went on. Oh, it went on alright.


Third Person's Pov;

Nothing had prepared them for the Akuma and the events that were to come next, Chat had actually expected for the battle to be easy because Devastator's Akuma was most likely in her ring like most Akumas but the thing was not everything is like it seems.

"Ladybug, are you okay?" Chat questioned his partner who seemed out of character, her bangs in her face and her shoulders tense gave off that something was wrong.

"Um... Yeah, I guess, I'm sorry Chat but I'm -I-can we talk about this later, I just don't feel that great and I had a pretty sucky day that's all." She stumbled over her words something she had hardly done, as Ladybug of course, which took her partner by even more surprise that her usual confident and adamant demeanor was all out of whack. He knew something was up.

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