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ship: Sirius/Remus

prompt: "You have something in your hair, umm... Do you want me to get it out?"

setting: Gryffindor Common Room, 1976

warning: Accidental first kiss.

category(?): fluff

words: 230

"Hey Moony?" Sirius Black asked, leaning against the younger sixth year. The common room was mostly empty, except for a few second year girls.

Remus looked up from his book with a pointed eyebrow that said, It'd better be important, I'm reading.

"Where are Wormtail and Prongs?"

Remus rolled his eyes. "Probably off flirting with Lily. I don't know why she doesn't like him? Or admit it, really."

Sirius snorted.

Remus looked up at him and noticed a piece of ... was that a note?



"You have something in your hair," gorgeous hair, he thought to himself. "umm... Do you want me to get it out?"

Sirius shifted so he was sitting beside him and dipped his head with a laugh.

Remus shifted onto his knees and went to grab it, before falling forward.

Onto his friend's chest.

"Oh! Sorry, Padfoot."

Sirius chuckled and put an arm on Remus's head. "Nah, 's fine."

Remus took the scrap of paper and was reading when Sirius lifted his head up and pecked his lips.

Remus glared. "You think that counts as a kiss? Prat."

He then leant down and kissed Sirius -- properly, unlike others -- and felt him gasp.

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