fifty six-neville/harry

362 16 17

ship: neville/harry

prompt: I just wanted some insecure!harry and supportive!neville

category(?): fluffish

warning/tags: body image issues, scars, kissing,

notes: I've been reading too much fanfiction of them lately, but what else is ordered bedrest for?

Oh, and Neville calls Harry 'Ry' pronounced Ree

words: 186

Harry stood in front of the mirror with his shirt off, looking at his scars in disgust. They were hideous. All bumpy and reddish. Disgusting.

He felt arms around his waist and jumped, trying to cover his chest with his shirt. "Neville!"

Neville stood in front of him but off to the side, so Harry could still see his reflection. "You're beautiful, Ry."

Harry pursed his lips, refusing to agree or admit his hate for his scars.

Neville stepped closer to lightly kiss the lightning shaped scar on his forehead.

Harry felt himself holding his breath, and Neville made his way to the scar on Harry's chest.

He kissed this one as well, just as gently, and whispered, "Your scars don't make you."

The next he kissed was one on Harry's inner arm. This one was from the Triwizard Tournament, and was usually hidden.

The last scar Neville kissed was a new one Harry'd acquired just two weeks earlier. It was in an Auror mission, and the cause of a curse meant for Harry's partner.

Neville looked into Harry's face again and kissed his lips. "Beautiful."

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