fifty one-harry/ron

530 25 11

ship: ron/harry

prompt: "You died. Yet here you are."

category(?): funny, fluffy

warning/tags: death mentions, i think it's kinda funny, deathly hallows spoilers, a lotta cursing

notes: i'm literally going off memory because I don't want to go to a different room, so sorry if it's rubbish XD

words: 651


Ron's POV


Shit, shit, shit!

Harry's dead.


Hermione took hold of my hand, and I pulled her to my chest in a hug.

  "He's not really..?" she was asking it, and I couldn't give her the answer she wanted, so I just hugged her tighter.

"We have to kill the snake," I told her as quiet as I could.

Hagrid was placing Harry -- my best friend -- at his feet, I want to slice Voldemort's head off. No one gets to kill Harry, he just, he doesn't die! That's kind of his 'thing'.

I suppose I should feel sadness, or regret for not telling him I love him, but I don't. I don't feel much of anything, actually. Besides rage. So much rage. It feels like my whole body is filled to the top with just, anger.

I looked around. Hermione was clutching my hand tightly, tears threatening to come out of her eyes. Dad was holding Ginny back, she was crying. Everyone was crying. I don't think we have much hope left, without Harry.

Fuck this shit.


After Voldemort is dead

I can't believe it. Harry's alive!

"Guys," I heard a whisper from nowhere. "It's me, Harry."

Of course, his cloak. Thank fuck for that cloak.

As soon as we left the great hall and Harry took the cloak off, Hermione flew at him. If I didn't know she couldn't actually, I might have thought she was flying.

"Hermione!" Harry exclaimed as her hair fell across his face. Honestly, how she doesn't inhale some of her hair, I don't know.

In seconds she was crying over him, hugging him, and...hitting him. Yep, she was definitely hitting him.

"Ow, Hermione!" Harry complained.

She finally let go and told him -- in a voice that would scare even Bellatrix -- "Don't you ever pull a stunt like that again! We thought you were dead."

Harry nodded, with an odd look on his face. He didn't seem like he wanted to look at either of us for more than two seconds.

Hermione left us alone. "You two should talk."

So, here we are, sat on the dirty ground, in silence. I should say something.

"You died."


"Yet here you are."

"Uh, yeah, that too."

Harry still wasn't looking at me.

"I uh, need to tell you something, Harry."

Fuck, no going back now.

Harry nodded, looking at his feet. "Okay."

I couldn't seem to speak.

"What is it, Ron?" Harry asked, looking at my neck, rather than my face.

Shit, shit, shit.

"I love you, and I thought I'd never get to tell you, and I'm sorry, but I love you and that's that."

Harry seemed to actually blush and -- fucking finally! -- looked at me.

"You what?"

I sighed.

"I love you, Harry. And I needed to say it before you died, but I didn't so I'm telling you now."

Harry leaned back, so his hands held him up. "Wow."


"I never expected that. I thought you were gonna tell me to fuck off."

Ron blinked.



"Um why?"

"I left you guys-"

"I left too."

"I died!"


"You love me?"

Ron nodded. "Of course."

"Why didn't you tell me earlier?"

"Why do you think?"

Harry shrugged.

"Do you like me?" I asked.

"Wh-what?" He was blushing again, a very un-Harry thing.

"Do you like me back, or are we going to be really fucking awkward around each other now?"

Harry shrugged. "I think, I think we've always kind of loved each other. Else we wouldn't be best friends, eh?"

"So what do we..?"

"I don't have any idea."

"Gin's going to kill us."

"Well, we can run away to New Zealand. She can't get us there."

"New Zealand, really?" How did he come up with that?

"What? The people who live there are called 'Kiwis'." Harry laughed.

"Well, how about this. I can just call you my Kiwi and we can ask Hermione to hold Ginny back." Damn Ron, that was smooth!

"Hmm. Okay."

We're dating now? Like, I can hold his hand? That sounds weird. Does he want me to hold his hand? I want to hold his hand.

Harry suddenly put his hand on mine and "all was well".

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