
431 17 7

ship: ginny/neville

prompt: Date the girl whose hair is a mess and steals your t-shirts and kisses you in front of boys who look at her admirably. Date the girl who wants to dance in the rain with you and make tea for you and make you laugh so hard you snort tea out your nose. Date the girl who cares so much she can tell something is wrong by looking at you. Date the girl who will wrap her arms around you for no reason and pay attention when you talk about the things you love. Date the girl who looks like a lazy Sunday afternoon over the Saturday night out girl. Date her.

setting: their flat

category(?): cute, fluffy



words: 371

Date the girl whose hair is a mess and steals your t-shirts

Neville smiled fondly, watching Ginny work on a paper at the table. She was wearing a shirt of his, much too long for her, and her hair was in a bun, most of it had fallen out. She was chewing on her quill as she focused.

and kisses you in front of boys who look at her admirably.

Neville thought back to just earlier. They'd been out in Diagon Alley, and a few men were ogling Ginny. "Aye redhead! Why're you with 'im? C'mon baby!"

Ginny had turned to Neville and fiercely kissed him. Needless to say, that shut the guy up.

Date the girl who wants to dance in the rain with you

Neville blushed thinking about their first kiss. It had been a rainy day at the Burrow -- George's birthday -- and Ginny had asked him to dance with her. He'd obliged, and they had ended up close to each other. The next thing he knew, her lips were on his, her entire family watching.

and make tea for you and make you laugh so hard you snort tea out your nose.

The one time she'd made him laugh so hard tea shot out his nose -- hadn't been the best experience. Not only was his nose on fire, but Percy -- having been sat across from him -- had his face burnt.

Date the girl who cares so much she can tell something is wrong by looking at you.

He loved that about Ginny. She could always tell when something was wrong.

Date the girl who will wrap her arms around you for no reason and pay attention when you talk about the things you love.

Another thing Neville rather liked about Ginny was that she was the only one who would listen to him ramble for hours about plants -- both magical and Muggle.

Date the girl who looks like a lazy Sunday afternoon over the Saturday night out girl. Date her.

"Nevvy? What's wrong?" Ginny asked, looking up from her article.

Neville shook his head. "Nothing, Gin."

"Are you sure?"

Neville nodded. "Just thinking."

"About what?"

"Not important. I love you."

Ginny smiled into his chest. "I love you too."

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