Chapter 8

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(Genos POV)

I sat there on the ground for who knows Long Staring blankly at the screen in front not really caring much I just really cared if he would be alright,If he died it would be my fault though i would never know hes the only one who sees me besides frisk.. I heard foot steps approach But its probably gaster or the sans of this timeline saying he wont agree with me Im not all to bother- i gasped "miss me?~" said a deep voice behind me i whirled around seeing the god of Death I jumped up and ran tackling him in to a hug We both fell to the floor in a heap But i didnt care Im just so happy hes alive "Awe I didnt think you cared that much~" he said in a flirty tone i rolled my eyes "just shut up will ya" i said hugging him tighter he hugged back resting his chin on my head.

We stayed like that for a while before I gasped and backed up quickly "How can i touch you and not die?!" i said a hand over my mouth he looked at himself then at me "I think its because I cant kill you with my Scythe since your already dead I can only Reap you with my scythe." he said crossing his legs and Looking at me with a small smile I relaxed "Why would you do that idiot Im not worth dying You where gonna reap me anyways?" i asked confused He fell silent looking at the ground thoughtfully before he shrugged "Anyways I want to ask you again Where would you like to go If you could leave this place" he asked I new he was planing something he had a sly smirk on his face I huffed thinking for a moment "I want to see the stars My timeline never got to the surface But ive seen on the screen on how pretty they are and i want to see that in person some day.." i thought with a smile then it vanished I looked at the ground "A shame that will never happen Im stuck hear until some one reaps me" Reaper stood up and offers me his hand smirking "Well what if i told you i could bring you to the stars?" he asked I took his hand carefully just in case if he trys anything "thats impossible" i said unconvinced He smirked even more and pulled something out of his cloak It was a amulet with a Green stone he handed it to me "Whats this?" i asked running my hand over the smooth surface of it.

Reaper looked at me more softly "Life told me to give it to you Its a Green apple opal stone also known as the stone of life. If you where the amulet you wont die if you leave this place" i gasped and look at the stone "And your giving it to me??" i asked He nodded "So will you join me now?" he held out his hand for me to take I inhaled a deep breath and put on the necklace Its aura Seemingly made me feel a whole lot better.

i slowly took the gods hand He opens a portal but before we walked in "Close you eyes Geno" "Why?" i asked "you'll see~" i rolled my eye "Reaper i swear if your gonna try and do something perverted" He shook his head but held his smirk I sighed "Fineee" he then pulled me threw after I closed both eyes.

I waited for the pain but it didn't come the air felt strange I felt lighter "Reaper am i gonna fall?" i said fearfully I heard his chuckle "just hold on to my hand and you will be fine You better not peak" i squeezed his icy cold hand tightly terrified to loose his grip then he told me to stop I felt his arm brush mine He was closer then i thought.

"open your eyes" he whispered softly I open them slowly My jaw hung open "Welcome to outer tale" It was gorgeous the sky was amazing i couldn't describe it in words "Its pretty isnt it" he asked I nodded and looked at The God of death and for the first time I didn't see him as the snarky sadistic A55hole i thought he was,He seemed different He looked more vulnerable his smirk was gone replaced with a genuine smile the stars reflecting off His one eye light and it seemed to bring life to the Gods eyes. Ironic is int it i thought He looked at me His smile vanishing slightly I spoke unintentionally to him "You look better when you smile" i said softly I saw a slight blue on his cheeks i almost giggled he was blushing But he had a come back "And you look even cuter when Your not being grumpy~" i stuck my tong out at him and Turned away from the now smirking god,But i couldn't help but also blush Was i really starting to feel for Him? out of all the people it had to be him.

"Reaper will i have to go back to the void?" i asked not making eye contact "I mean you could sleep with me~" i punched his arm "Screw you" "I mean-" i placed a hand over his mouth Already feeling my cheeks grow hot "Not another word out of You!" when i took my hand off his mouth he had a wide smirk on his face "Well you could shut me up if you kissed me~" i mentally screamed at his words and started walking away in a huff "Stupid hot god Needs to shut-" "Oh so im hot?" i shoved him and started running "LEAVE ME ALONEEEEE" i called over my shoulder running threw his unknown place.

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